I slammed my head into my pillow. “You’re ridiculous.”
He reached across the bed and pulled me against him, my back to his front. There were many a morning we ended up in this position, but it was rare for him to instigate it when we were actually awake. I curled my fingers around his forearm and smoothed my way up and down the sinewy length of muscles.
He didn’t say anything for so long that I was afraid he may have fallen asleep. “It may sound ridiculous to you, but I don’t trust anyone with you.”
I turned my face to him in the dark. “Not even Jack?”
“No one.”
I curled into him and pushed my cheek into the pillow. “You’re right, it sounds ridiculous.”
“I’d rather sound paranoid than lose you.”
Not much I could say to that. Especially when all the things inside me that could flutter went a little mad with stupid girly vibrations. Damn him.
He knew how to get me focused on anything but whatever I wanted to know. Of course, I had many questions.
“We have two days to get ready for the party. I suggest we sleep and get to planning tomorrow.”
He sounded so calm and so Blake. Part of me wanted to turn around and shake him. Maybe even slug him for good measure, but I had to admit I was tired. The adrenaline I’d been feeding off was fading.
Tomorrow was soon enough to figure out the best way to fix things.
Assuming we could.
Chapter 28
Ihung up the phone and spun around in Blake’s comfortable-enough-to-sleep in chair. In fact, the urge to do just that was overwhelming. Sleep had been a commodity that neither of us could afford. Between getting clients settled before everyone disappeared for the holiday and finalizing bonuses for the end of the year, I’d lost track of time.
Currently, Blake was hiding in his workshop to pick apart the endless tangle of data from my grandmother. If we had a fleet of forensic accountants, it would still take weeks. I didn’t know what he thought he was going to accomplish, but the man was worse than a terrier with a Porterhouse steak.
“Ms. Copeland.”
I looked up from my boss’s desk. Actually, it was pretty much mine at the moment. Increasingly, I’d been retreating to Blake’s inner sanctum to get things done.
Quickly, I fumbled out of his chair. “Hi. Um, sorry. Was I supposed to meet you?”
I looked down at my watch. God, how was it six already?
He closed the door and crossed the room to hang two garment bags.
“Oh, shit. It’s Friday.”
“It most certainly is.”
I crossed to him and opened the smaller bag. A garnet red dress that I’d never seen before was inside. I blinked up at him. “What’s this?”
“I realized this morning we didn’t have anything ready for you to wear at this party.”
“I have dresses,” I sputtered.
“Of course, you do, but I doubt you had time to get one dry-cleaned or pressed for our outing.”
No, but I could have made do. I was almost sure of it.
Blake came up behind me and reached around to pull out the dress. “It’s just easier.”