Page 111 of Possession

They merged and made something new.

Very much like us.

I gripped his shoulder and his hips as he crashed me into the wall of glass. Memories disconnected in my mind. Of the first time we’d been like this, how different we’d been.

Only a couple of months ago in reality, but far more than a lifetime in the distance we’d come.

I reached above us, and he met my hand with his own, lacing our fingers as tightly as our bodies. The rushing tide of my mind, the storms of my heart, the love I’d never expected to find—all of it was here.


He buried his face in my neck as I shook around him. As he trembled with me until there was nothing left but our breathing and the cool stillness of the night.

I ached to tell him, but the words lodged in my throat even as they filled my chest with light.

Chapter 27


Iwasn’t really sure how we ended up in his bedroom after our interlude in his atrium—ouratrium. He’d actually combined the space to include me.

It was as confusing as it was inspiring.

It relayed a permanence that he’d all but ignored since I stepped foot into his house. I’d simply taken over. It truly was the only way to make the glacial man move in any way.

But he’d created that room and included my belongings on purpose. He wasn’t just letting me ghost my way into his life as I had been doing for the last few months.

I wasn’t even sure when he’d done it, but it hadn’t been in one day. Even his power and money could only make so much happen.

Blake came out of the bathroom, flicking the light off as he left. He wore only a pair of navy sleep pants, leaving his distracting torso bare, as well as his feet.

The light trapped inside me threatened my tongue again. Why it was so hard to spit out the words to him, I just didn’t know. SayingI love yousurrounded by lies felt beyond wrong.

I sat up on our bed, one of his T-shirts slipping off my shoulder. “When did you add my workshop to that room?”

“Why?” His fingers paused on the lamp beside the bed.

“Because I want to know.”

He sighed. “The day after we got the pages from Annabelle.”

I hadn’t had time to get back to the beach house to work because I’d actually been dealing with much of Blake’s workload while he went through the endless pages of data we had.

“So, you really did want to bring things out in the open?”

He sat on the side of the bed, flicking a twisting curl of hair over my shoulder. “Regardless of what you think, I do hate the secrets between us. I just didn’t know how to go about explaining myself.”

In his defense, it was a pretty incredible tale. My own selfishness was a core component of the maddening story. I’d lost time with so many people because I’d lived in my head so much.

How could I blame Blake for being so mistrustful when I wasn’t much different? He kept his own counsel, and I simply shut people out by living in my art.

“I’m not quite sure I conveyed how much I loved it.”

“I believe I have the teeth and nail marks to prove it.”

I grinned up at him and rolled onto my knees before him. “Not just the sex part. Though that was particularly impressive.” I held up my fingers in a frame. “Blake Carson, sex godcan be added to your door.”

“I believe we can leave that off for now.”