“Grace, let’s go.” I didn’t bother to temper my tone. The air in the restaurant was too cloying and close, and I needed to be outside.
Away from everyone but her.
She didn’t argue, surprising me yet again. “Danny, Marina, nice to see you again.” She brushed past them and across the room, weaving through tables as if she’d been there a million times before.
After offering my hasty goodbyes, I managed to reach the exit a step before her. I held open the door. She sailed through it without glancing my way or offering a thank you.
That was fine. We were beyond the point of meaningless manners, anyway.
She started down the street in the direction we’d come, but I reached out and grabbed her arm, turning her without a word. She glared at me, but she walked with me up the block in the other direction.
At the corner, we turned and walked past a few more storefronts, finally stopping beneath a hand painted sign that saidKiller Cupcakesin girly script with an arrow pointing upstairs. I gestured her ahead of me and she went up the narrow flight of steps along the side of the building that led to the second level. She didn’t wait for me again, pushing her way inside with a tinkle of bells over the door.
It was only when I glanced at my watch that I realized exactly how late it was. I was amazed Grace hadn’t picked up on the unlikelihood of a bakery having these kind of night hours.
Probably too torqued at me to care at the moment.
Good thing I’d paid handsomely for the chance for Grace to pick out exactly which sweet treats she wanted to take home. To mitigate her fury with me, I’d better buy out the whole shop.
Oh, wait, already did that, minus the stock.
Grace was studying the miles of frosted glass cases still full of cupcakes and other gooey confections when I crossed the glossy black and white tiles. She made no move to acknowledge me.
“Anything look good to you?”
She didn’t reply. Okay then.
I glanced up as a gorgeous young blond woman came out from a back room, wiping her hands on a towel hooked to her waist. She gave me a big smile. “Mr. Carson, you made it.”
“I did.”
“I’m so glad. It’s good to see you again.” She beamed widely, and while I returned her smile, I was acutely aware of Grace’s piercing stare drilling into my left earlobe.
“Yes. I really appreciate you doing this for us. I realize it’s an imposition.”
“Oh no, no imposition. I was a tourist once too.” Carly let go of my hand and turned her bright smile on Grace. “Hi. I’m Carly Costas. Let me help you pick out something yummy.”
I wasn’t oblivious to the way Grace bristled at Carly’s last name, but I also wasn’t going to deal with it at the moment. She could just add it to the list of things to yell at me about, since I wasn’t about to make a scene in Carly’s shop.
The first time I’d met Carly, I had immediately liked her. She was the exact opposite of the people we’d just left. Guileless, open. And the little tow-headed girl with huge dark eyes who toddled out and clung to her ankles didn’t hurt the image, either.
“Oh, Gianna. What are you doing? I thought you were playing in back. Can’t leave you for a moment.” She scooped up her daughter and set her on her hip, then she walked around the glass-fronted case to join Grace and I in front of the sweets. “I know what you’ve chosen in the past, Blake, but what else are you looking for tonight? Something new, perhaps?” Her eyes sparkled as she looked between us. “I have a new line of treats with aphrodisiac properties, if you’re feeling adventurous.”
I wondered if Carly noticed Grace hadn’t so much as even smiled at me since we stepped into the shop. Carly was a married woman. Maybe she figured that was the usual way of things.
Hell, maybe it was, though I was reasonably certain mob tie reveals weren’t a usual part of dinner festivities.
So much for our romantic date.
“I think we’ll just stick to something usual, if it’s all the same to you.”
“Dealer’s choice,” Carly said cheerfully, juggling her daughter so she could tap the case near a platter of red and white cupcakes drizzled with some kind of rich chocolate sauce. “These are obviously decorated for the holidays, with a topper of chocolate ganache. Always ups the decadence. They’re my favorite.”
Grace made a noncommittal sound.
Undeterred, Carly moved on to the next case. “Over here, we have some chocolate-filleds, plus some eclair cupcakes.” She glanced back and let out a delighted laugh at Grace’s cocked head. “I know, as if eclairs needed any more help, right? These are great. The best part is they’re mini-sized so you can convince yourself eating two is like eating half of a regular one. Do you mind for a sec?” She held out her daughter toward Grace, who shrank back as if she’d been presented with a ticking explosive.
I coughed into my fist.