Page 19 of Possession

But something was going on. So much more lived beneath the surface with her than it seemed at first glance.

That appeared to be the case with just about everyone lately. I was beginning to feel like I needed a playbook of who’d possibly done what just to get through my daily routine.

When I returned downstairs, our meal had been served, and everyone was digging in. Too bad I’d lost my appetite.

“This looks wonderful, Grace.” I picked up my sandwich only to discover the extra pickle spears she’d tucked to the side. She’d remembered. My smile turned genuine for a moment. I had to take bright spots wherever they came, no matter how small. “Thank you.”

She blinked and set down her own sandwich. She’d barely touched it so far. “You’re welcome.”

After about an hour of relatively pleasant small talk, Brant started making noises about being exhausted from his “long hours in the salt mines.”

Insert laugh track. It was a miracle I managed to remain seated when all I wanted to do was to strip off his coat and get a look at his supposed football injury.

I would just fucking bet.

“Then you should go home and rest. Wouldn’t want to have to give less than your all on the job tomorrow.” I grinded my teeth together until I risked shattering a crown. “But before you go, I’d like to extend an invitation to my party next weekend. It’ll be small, rather intimate. Just all the important people in my life, some good food and music, maybe some dancing.”

I caught Grace’s eye for an instant and nearly smiled for real at her suspicious expression. She wasn’t falling for my cordial act in the least.

“Oh, Blake, that sounds lovely.” My mother clasped her hands together and returned my smile. “We’d love to come. Wouldn’t we, Brant?”

With effort, I shoved down the guilt. She didn’t realize what was afoot. That was the problem with her. She never did. She was so completely guileless that she would hand her wallet to a thief without blinking an eyelash. She practically had a target on her back for all the con artists of the world.

Like the bastard seated to my left.

“Depending which day it is and the time. I’ve been putting in lots of late hours on the job lately. Unfortunately, that cuts most of my evenings short.”

“Is that so? Doing well for yourself, are you? What is it exactly that you do, Brant?”

“Oh, consulting work mostly. Some hands-on when necessary.” He gave me a toothy smile. “I’m no Blake Carson, but I get by.”

Under the lip of the counter, I fisted my hands. “I just bet you do.” I tried another smile. “Well, this evening will be as late as you’d like to make it. If it doesn’t suit you to stay long, then just come by long enough to eat and spin my mom around a few times.”

“You called me mom.” I glanced up from retrieving the last corner of bacon on my plate, startled by the pleasure in my mother’s voice. It matched the soft expression on her face. “It’s been such a long time since you have, Blake.”

Grace saved me by reaching over to pat my mother’s hand. “Mothers and sons have such special relationships, don’t they? My grandmother doted on my Uncle Connor. He passed away some years back, but they were so close.”

My throat tightened as I pulled the napkin off my lap. Grace truly was all alone in this world.

Just like me. Oh, maybe not technically. My mother was still here, but the raft of space between us was large enough to be an ocean. She trusted indiscriminately, and I could never abide by that. Not after the way we’d both been harmed by her naiveté.

So, I trusted no one. No matter how much I wished I could.

My mother gave Grace a sad smile. “Blake and I were very close. Once. Many moons ago.”

“Sounds like a chance for new beginnings all around then,” Grace said quietly, sliding me a look that cut deeper than even my regret over my mother.

I didn’t know what those words even meant. There was no beginning without trust. I didn’t even deem myself worthy of it, so how could I demand total honesty from others?

But I did. Oh, I did.

“We’ll be there. We wouldn’t miss it for the world.” Brant rose and set aside his napkin. “Thank you for the wonderful meal, Grace. Your culinary skills are to die for.”

Something about the phrase set my teeth on edge. I stood too and gave him a pinched smile. “Lots of things worth dying for, aren’t there?”

Instead of seeming taken aback, he just tipped his head at me and reached for my mother. “Hate to eat and run, but we have to get on. So nice to meet you, Grace. I hope Blake keeps you around. He could use having a softer touch around here.”

Grace smiled tightly. “He could use something.” She turned to my mother and gave her a quick hug. “I’m so glad I met you, Mrs. Carson.”