“What the hell are you doing?”
“Saving you from yourself.” Blake gave a regal nod to an elderly patron dancing stiffly with his much younger wife before he swirled me into his arms.
Then he glanced down at me. “You need to calm down.”
“I am calm.”
“You’re actually making me nervous. I’m not dressed for hiding a body tonight, Ms. Copeland.”
Sighing, I pressed my face to his neck. I breathed in his citrus scent and beat back the dark anger until it was at a manageable level. “I loved this woman like a mother.”
He cupped the back of my neck, his fingers burrowing under the curls. “I know, baby.”
My fingers tightened on the shoulders of his jacket. I really wasn’t sure if I could take any more betrayal. I just needed to get through this night and get more proof for Blake and Jack so I could move on with my life.
Because the thought of the alternative was enough to drive me mad. I took a calming breath, but my line of sight dissolved the ounce of composure I’d managed.
A man with dark hair met my gaze a little too intensely. Enough that I trampled Blake’s lead in our dance.
He stumbled a little before swinging me around. “What’s wrong?”
“I think Danny’s here.”
Slowly, I box-stepped my way around so he could see what I had. “That’s Marina and Danny, right?”
Blake’s shoulders tensed.
“Yes,” he said darkly.
“Marina’s from a very old family in Marblehead. It’s not like it’s out of the ordinary for her to be here.”Mostly, I wanted to finish out loud.
The fact that Marina rarely moved in the art circles had to just be coincidence.
“There you are, Grace. Come over here, please.” Phil’s voice cut through our conversation.
Blake led me to the sidelines of the dance floor, until we were well away from the others. “It’s nice to see you, Mrs. Stanwick.”
“Merry Christmas, darling.” Phil enveloped me in a Chanel-scented hug. “I’m so glad you brought your beau.”
What exactly was I supposed to say about that? The last time Phil had seen us we’d been sneaking out of the frame room. “We’ve been so busy that we figured it was the best way to see you before the holidays completely got away from us.”
“Me too, darling. It’s been a whirlwind year. I can’t believe we’re almost to New Year’s.”
I smiled. “I know. I agree. When I got your invite, I knew it was the perfect way to see you.”
“I know it’s a hard time right now. The first holiday without a loved one is always the worst. I want you to come to my house for Christmas. I don’t want you to be alone.”
I gave her a smile and curled my arm through Blake’s. “I’m not. Don’t worry.”
“I see.”
Was I seeing things that simply weren’t there, or had Phil’s lips pursed at my news?
“Nothing against you, Mr. Carson, but I was hoping that my honorary granddaughter was holed up in a studio working on more pieces for my gallery. Not working foryou.”