"Do we have time?" I asked, glancing at the door.
She took my hand and put it between her legs. She was dripping, and I groaned, my cock already filling with blood, ready for more.
"Babe," she said, pulling me to the floor on top of her, squaring her hips with mine. "We have the rest of our lives."
I shook my head, grinning despite myself. This woman was going to be the death of me. Her head dipped forward, her long, pink hair curtaining my face, and she kissed me, deep and long, taking her time to explore every corner of my mouth.
We fell into each other, into a love that was fierce, spontaneous, and just a little bit reckless.
Wherever we went, whatever the future turned out to be, it was going to be a hell of a ride, and I couldn't wait for every minute of it for the rest of our lives.
The cool Alaskan breeze whipped my hair as I leaned against the railing of the cruise ship, watching glaciers drift by in the distance.
"Earth to Rachel." My mom's voice broke through my peaceful reverie. "Are you coming to trivia or what?"
I turned and my mom was grinning at me, Brad hovering just behind her shoulder. They'd been doing that a lot lately, orbiting each other like shy teenagers. Maybe I was a chip off the old block. Mom was almost fifteen years older than him. I held back a laugh at the thought.
How freaking weird would it be if my adopted mother and my bio father got together? I shook my head. It was equal parts adorable and nauseating.
"Wouldn't miss it," I said, linking arms with her. "Someone's gotta keep Brad from showing off all his useless knowledge."
Brad clutched his chest in mock offense. "Useless? Knowing all those national parks came in handy. It won you a ride in a glass-bottom kayak at yesterday's trivia challenge."
As we made our way to the lounge, I marveled at the unlikely family we'd cobbled together on this trip. Lulu and her father, my uncle, were already at a table, deep in conversation with Hao.
He'd really made an effort and had even gone to a couple of football games with Brad. The sight of the unlikely pair bonding over football stats and betting odds still threw me for a loop sometimes. If only they could've found something in common all those years ago, maybe things would've been different.
"You see the Hail Mary? In fourth quarter?" Hao was saying as we approached.
Brad's eyes lit up. "Yes! They nailed it!"
My mom rolled her eyes good-naturedly. "Here we go again."
A whirlwind of energy descended upon us in the form of Derrick and his family. Both his parents came, as well as Valeria, Frankie, Maria, her husband, and all their kids.
"There you are!" his mom exclaimed, his father walking to the bar with Derrick in tow.
Ever since Derrick and I officially became a couple, she'd been sweet and gracious to me. It also helped that I might give her another grandchild. Not yet! But I knew it was her secret desire, and it was my desire too. One day.
"I've been looking everywhere for you. We need to discuss hashtags for Valeria and Frankie's wedding. I'm thinking hashtag FrankriaForever. What do you think?"
I shot a helpless look at my mom, who just smirked before turning her attention back to Brad. As soon as Frankie and Valeria announced their engagement, Derrick's mom turned her full attention on their wedding, and never once had she said anything against it.
Maybe her near-death experience made her appreciate what was really important in life. She hadn't said it, but there’d definitely been a shift since her health scare.
"Um, why don't we talk about it later?" I suggested. "After dinner."
Derrick walked up to me, slipped an arm around my waist, and pulled me aside.
"Do you think we can disappear for a bit?" he whispered.
"Why?" I asked. "We're meant to do the trivia thing."
"I'm not feeling too great."