"No," I groaned. "I'll be fine."
"I thought you'd say that." She disappeared back into the bathroom. When she came out, I blinked several times. Was I hallucinating?
"If you won't go to the hospital, then the hospital will come to you."
She wore a teeny-tiny red-and-white nurse's uniform, complete with a little cap. It was ridiculous and sexy and totally Rachel.
"Really?" Despite my exhaustion, I managed a weak chuckle.
She grinned, her eyes sparkling with mischief. "Hey, I thought I'd give you some motivation to get your ass off your ten-thousand-dollar couch and into your bed. You've soaked through all the cushions."
She yanked my arm and helped me up the stairs to my room. The lights were low, and she'd turned on my air purifier, placed a large glass of water by my bed, and spread boxers and a T-shirt on the duvet.
"Change," she said. "Your clothes are soaked."
The sight of her in that outfit did more for my spirits than anything else had in days.
I tugged the hem of my shirt but fell back on the clean sheets. "Can't," I moaned.
"Here," she said, and between the two of us, I shimmied out of my clothes and into the fresh items.
I closed my eyes, exhausted from the effort, and let the fever take hold.
I was in and out of consciousness, but every time I opened an eye, Rachel was there, either sitting beside me looking at her phone, flitting around the room, checking my temperature, or making me drink water.
At some point, she was helping me sip some oversalted soup and making me nibble a soft bread roll.
It was dark when I fully woke up next. Rachel was next to me on top of the covers, the bedside table lamp on, and she was reading a book she must have found on my shelf,Radical Respect.
She looked down at me and smiled. My gaze slipped down to her chest where the tops of her breasts were spilling out of her top, and her skirt was hiked so far up I could see her side ass.
Something to dream about later...
"Your fever's down," Rachel said. "How are you feeling?"
"Like I got trampled by the running of the bulls," I mumbled, my throat dry. "You really need to change out of that outfit."
"Don't you like it?" Rachel asked. She leaned sideways to put the book on the nightstand and flashed me her bare ass.
"For fuck’s sake," I mumbled before I drifted back to sleep.
The next morning, I woke up marginally better and rolled over to see Rachel dozing in the bed next to me, still in that damn nurse's outfit.
"Rachel," I whispered, my voice hoarse.
She stirred, blinking groggily. "Derrick? How are you feeling?"
"Better," I said, managing to scoot up.
She gave me a tired smile. "You had me worried."
Her eyes met mine, and there was something tender and wanting in them.
On the nightstand, her phone buzzed, but she ignored it, her hand pushing back my hair.
"Aren't you going to get that?" I asked as it continued to buzz.
"No," she said, a slight shake in her voice. "Derrick, I...um. The thing is..."