Page 59 of Boss with Benefits

"Do I ever do anything I don't want to?" I smirked.

"No." He laughed lightly, and the tense vibes from before dissipated.

I chewed my lip, my nerves hopping up and down now that I'd decided to go. "I wanted Eva to come with me but she's out of town. Would you come?" I playfully punched him in the arm. "I need a getaway driver if things go south."

Derrick looked stunned.

"You don't have to," I hurried to say. "It's no biggie. I mean it's a lot, but you really don't need?—"

"Of course I'll go."

"Great. And I can pay you back with a little handy," I joked.

Derrick's face immediately shadowed. "Don’t.”

"I was totally kidding. I didn't mean to?—“

“Yes, you did.” He leaned forward and my skin prickled. “I asked you to stop making those types of comments, Rachel. It's not appropriate, and it's disrespectful to me. Okay?”

I raised my pinky. "Pinky promise."

He stared at my hand between us.

"You're meant to wrap your pinky with mine," I explained.

He rolled his eyes, but I saw a tiny smirk at the corner of his lips, and he quickly hooked his pinky with mine.

"Come on, crazy." He tugged my pinky, and I hopped in line as we walked to his office.

“Let’s meet at the subway stop near the restaurant before so we can walk in together. I don't want to spend one minute alone with that guy. I'm excited and terrified and have no idea what he really wants," I rambled nervously. "I can't believe I'm doing this. I can’t believe I’m about to sit down with someone who's related to me by blood. I can’t believe?—"

"Rach." Derrick held my shoulders, his large hands eclipsing my small frame. "Breathe." I stared up at his chestnut eyes and let out a long breath. "It's gonna be fine," he assured me.

I blinked rapidly, my eyes dropping to his lips. I never realized how plump and edible they were. Derrick shifted forward, his mouth so close I felt the warmth of his breath.

Oh my freaking God, was he going to?—

"Go home, Rachel." His hands let me go so fast I stumbled sideways.

Okay. Totally misread that.

"It's late." He began to walk away. "You'll need rest for tomorrow."

"Thanks," I said too loudly. "I mean, what could possibly go wrong, right?"



The elevated Sunnyside subway station in Queens bustled with the evening commuters as I waited for Rachel. A train had just arrived, and I spotted her stepping onto the platform two cars away, her face a mixture of anxiety and determination. She was wearing a muted top with basic jean shorts. Her hair was lavender that day, pulled up into a top knot, and her face was makeup free.

The understated look made her appear vulnerable, and it tugged at my heart.

“Rach,” I called out, waving my arms.

Rachel rolled her eyes. “Dude, I see you. Everyone sees you. You’re like twenty feet tall.”

“You looked distracted.”