"Um, do you need some help?" she asked.
"No!" I snapped, not knowing if she meant help with the bag or my big problem.
Fuck, my cock was aching. I didn't even care that I was in the office anymore. I needed to jerk off, and I needed to do it now.
"Please, Rachel," I pleaded. "Get the fuck out."
She slid out of the closet, but I heard her shuffling around on the other side.
"How's it going in there?" she asked, and I swore she was mocking me.
I gritted my teeth, my erection throbbing. "Go away."
There was no response, and for a second, I thought she left. Until...
"I can help if you want."
I knew she was joking—she had to be joking—but my balls tightened against my body at the suggestion. I banged the back of my head against the door. "Go. A. Way."
My hand flexed above my cock, desperate to let it out of its misery. This was painful enough without her here.
"The thing is?—"
"Just fucking leave, Rachel! You caused enough problems for me this week. Why are you even at the office? You left everyone hanging. Lexi's been a stress case all week because you selfishly decided you were more important than everyone else. All the hosts are pissed. These are hardworking people and you fucked them over. Now get the hell out of here!"
"I was gonna say"—she sniffled—"I still need my bag."
"Shit. I'm sorry, Rachel." I picked up the bag, threw it out the door, and slammed it again. I didn't mean to say all that stuff. I was just furious and humiliated and now I was gonna have to explain.
"Look, my doctor prescribed some Viagra, and I took it. I thought I'd be home by the time it started working, but then there was a minor emergency, and bam. My cock went from zero to sixty, and now I..."
"You have a hard-on that won't quit," she finished, and I couldn't help but laugh.
"Why didn't you jerk off in your office? Where there's a lock."
"It felt too weird doing it there. This seemed like the safest place."
"There's an upside to all this, you know," she said.
I groaned. "I can't wait to hear it."
"That's some good shit your doc gave you."
A laugh popped out of my lips again. Leave it to Rachel to find the humor in a mortifying situation.
"Too good," I grumbled.
I heard Rachel rub her hands together. "Boss, it's time to man up and take care of business."
I cringed. "Everything about this is wrong. I'm not that guy."
"And I'm not the girl that goes AWOL and leaves everyone hanging. But I did that this week," she said, throwing my words back at me. "And I'm sorry. I've had a lot of challenges going on."
There was a dull ache in my chest as I wondered what challenges she was talking about. But this was not the time for a heart-to-heart. I was still rock-hard in a supply closet.