“Hi,” he grumbled and jammed his finger against several buttons of the coffee machine. The woman caught his shift in attitude and cocked her head toward me.
“Hi!” she said brightly, approaching my chair. “I’m Derrick’s sister, Tina.”
Unlike Valeria, who was blonde, Tina was brunette like Derrick, but she was short like her sister.
“Hey,” I said. “I’m Rachel. This is Lexi.”
Her eyes lit up in recognition of my name, and now I was way curious about what Derrick had told her about me.
“Nice to meet you.” Tina picked up a mug and pumped vanilla flavoring into it, then handed it to Derrick.
“The office is closed over the holiday,” Lexi said, referring to the conversation Tina and Derrick were having when they walked in. Tina shot her gaze at Derrick accusingly.
“Then you can totally come upstate.”
Derrick frowned at Lexi. “It’s closed, but I’ll still be working.”
“Rachel will be in town too,” Lexi said.
Derrick shot his gaze at me. “You’re gonna be in the city alone?” he asked.
He shook his head. “Can I talk to you?”
I followed him out into the hallway.
“I don’t like it. We still don’t know a lot about your grandfather or if he is, in fact, your grandfather. The man doesn’t have a record, but he could be lying. Until we know for sure, you have to be extra vigilant.”
“Stop it,” I said, crossing my arms over my chest, frowning at the warmth that bubbled up there from Derrick’s concern.
“Have you told your mom?” he asked. I hesitated, and he shook his head. “You need to talk to her. Confirm his story.”
“Lay off my nuts,” I shot back. “I’m not ready, okay.” I walked back into the lounge and slumped next to Lexi.
“Rickie, the whole reason I’m here is because Mom begged me to convince you to come. You’re always saying life is short and family is most important. Now put your damn words where your mouth is. You’re the boss. You can do whatever you want.”
Lexi pointed at Derrick. “What she said, Rickie. Go enjoy your life.”
Derrick glanced at me warily.
“Oh my God.” Tina rolled her eyes. “Rachel, he obviously doesn’t want to leave you all on your lonesome, even though I’m sure you can take care of yourself.” Tina looked pointedly at him, then continued. “Why don’t you come up with us? It’s super casual, and Valeria’s bringing a friend so you won’t be the only non-fam there. Plus, the house is huge and right on a lake.”
Derrick glared at his sister, obviously not a fan of her invitation.
“Okay,” I chirped. I agreed partly because I really didn’t want to be alone with all my ick thoughts about my bio fam and partly because it would obviously annoy Derrick.
Also, hello? A big house on a lake in the Adirondacks. Yes, please.
“Great.” Tina clapped Derrick on the back. “Now you have to come.”
Iwas short with Tina on the ride up to the lake house, still annoyed she invited Rachel. Yeah, I hadn't wanted her to be alone, but I also hadn't wanted her tagging along on my dysfunctional family holiday.
"How long have y'all had the lake house?" Frankie, Valeria's new girlfriend, asked. She lived near Valeria upstate but was originally from North Carolina and had a thick Southern accent.