Page 53 of Boss with Benefits

"Don't you dare," I said, fuming. "You're not slinking off. You've been a part of this since the beginning, and you should hear how my mother has been conniving behind my back."

"Rachel!" my mother said, distressed.

"Er, I think this is a private matter." Derrick ducked his head and reached for the door handle.

"Oh, I think we're way beyond private." I cast a steely glare at Derrick. "Sit down. You're facing whatever my mom has to say along with me."

Derrick glanced at the door.

"Sit," I growled.

He did. Then I faced my mom and waited.



Rachel's mother showing up at my office was the last thing I expected. She was a formidable woman, like her daughter, but kind and funny, also like her daughter.

Rachel was pacing, obviously out of sorts.

"Amma, did you know he used police resources to help find out who was stalking me? I was terrified, scared to death. The man—my grandfather—showed up at the Roller Derby rink. I thought he wanted to murder me! Derrick came to my rescue." Rachel turned to her mother, her eyes flashing with anger. "And all of that could've been avoided if you'd been honest with me from the moment he contacted you."

"It really wasn't an issue," I said to Mrs. Arya. "I was happy to help."

I stood and edged towards the door again, not wanting to get caught in the middle of this family drama, but Rachel's gaze snapped back to me, pinning me in place.

"Stay," she said. "And sit down. You're making me nervous."

I didn't leave, but I didn't move from where I stood.

"Fine. Stand. Just...stay." Her voice caught, and I realized she didn't just want me there to punish her mother. She wanted me there for support.

I took two steps and I was by her side, an act of solidarity. I wanted to put a hand on her shoulder, to assure her I had her back, but I kept both my hands securely in place at my side.

Her mother looked scandalized. "Rachel, is this how you talk to your boss? It's hardly appropriate work behavior."

Rachel laughed, but there was no humor in it. "Oh, please. Derrick's not exactly the poster child for appropriate work behavior."

I raised an eyebrow, worried about where she was going with this. With Rachel, you never knew.

"Amma, I want you to leave,” Rachel said. “It wasn't appropriate for you to come to my work like this."

Her mother pursed her lips, clearly not happy. But she nodded, gathering her purse.

"I'll go. But I've invited Mr. Lin to dinner on Friday. I hope you'll join us." Her mother's voice softened. "Rach, I think it'll be good for you."

Rachel's face went white, then red. "I want nothing to do with him."

Her mother hesitated, then said, "I'm just trying to help, Rachel. He's insistent on meeting you."

“No," Rachel gritted out. “We'll talk later.”

With a defeated sigh, her mother left, closing the door behind her.

Rachel was shaking, her brow tense with fury. She spun around, dropping her face into her hands. "Damn it," she sputtered.

She collapsed into the chair across from my desk, and I was shocked when I saw tears rolling down her cheeks. I was beside her in a heartbeat, kneeling in front of her chair.