I gaped at the intercom then slid my eyes to Selena. She shrugged but a sly smile played on her lips. I jammed my finger into the button and unlocked the door waiting for the hot breeze to rip through the apartment.
My mother opened her arms wide, and dragged me into a hug. At first, I tensed, annoyed, but soon I melted into the familiar comfort. My mom was gregarious, boisterous, over the top, but she was all love.
“Your first broken heart.” She pulled me to the sofa, her plump lips pulled down into a frown.
Her face was smooth and beautiful. Just enough plastic surgery to look the best version of her age, but not pulled and plucked or overly stuffed.
“Hi, Momma.” I snuggled into her.
“What happened my love? And if you don’t want to talk, I have a bottle of Padre Azul.”
“I could sell that and pay my rent.” Selena hugged my mom. “Shots?”
Selena placed mismatched shot glasses on her small island. Mom filled each glass and Selena and I knocked them back.
“This is sipping Tequila, girls.” My mother schooled us, taking a sip.
“Damn, that’s good,” Selena said, licking her lips.
The timer rang and she took the roasted vegetables out of the oven, placed the oiled noodles in a bowl, and the heated pot of vodka sauce on an oven mitt.
“Dinner is served.”
We dished everything onto plates and sat around the coffee table since there was no room in Selena’s apartment for a dining table.
“Tell me everything,” my mother said, dabbing the corner of her mouth.
I started at the beginning telling her about Chip, the agreement, the drugging, the kiss, the accident, the work drama, and finally my blow up at Jackson.
“I didn’t think you had it in you.” My mother raised her eyebrows or did her best with the Botox.
“It’s not that impressive. Look what happened.”
My mother pointed her fork at me. “You’re not built like me my darling. You’re like your father.”
“I don’t want to be like him. He left us,” I huffed.
“He left me. It hurt too much for him to see me and not be with me. And he was angry. Very angry. If he’d lived, I know he would’ve wanted more of a relationship with you eventually. Don’t ever think that his leaving had anything to do with you.”
A tear rolled down my cheek.
“He would’ve loved me forever if I let him,” she said. “That’s like you. You are fiercely loyal. That’s why you can’t forgive Jackson’s actions. You think that the moment he had feelings for you he should’ve dropped everything and been yours. But life doesn’t work that way. It’s messy and complicated.”
I nodded, my forehead wrinkled in sorrow at my mother saying these truths to me.
“From what you’ve said, Jackson is loyal too,” my mother said. “Don’t you get it? He was trying to be loyal to his family, even after his wife left him. When he opens his heart again it will be a treasure to behold, because once you have it, he’ll never let it go to another. Is that a correct assessment?”
My mother swiveled toward Selena, who nodded in agreement.
“He may never leave her. Not in his heart,” I said.
“Then he’s not for you.”
I sucked in a deep breath, the truth reverberating in my chest.
“Exactly,” I said. “That’s why I’ve cut him off.”
“Be careful.” My mother took my face into her hands. “He may deserve a second chance. Some of us do.”