I glanced at Selena, my eyes widening into the universal sign for What the fuck?? You are so dead, then shuffled to the edge of the group with him.
“I…” He fiddled with the papers in his hands. “Um, good job at the meeting today. That bandage company was a great get for Breaking Glass.”
“Thanks,” I gushed. I’d been a nervous wreck, stuttering through my little pitch to the hosts, but they’d loved the idea. It had only been a small part of the meeting but it felt like I’d scaled a mountain. I was definitely gonna keep doing my Wonder Woman pose.
“Keep up the good work.” Derrick cringed at his words. “Sorry. That was lame.”
“No. I appreciate it,” I said, unsure how to act around him.
“I was wondering… and you can tell me to mind my own business, but…” His eyes skittered about the room. “Uh, are you dating Jackson?”
I scrambled for a response, rattled. “No. I mean… why? Did Prathi say something?”
“No,” he said. “Wait, so you are dating Jackson?”
I glanced at Selena who was not hiding her curious gaze, but she was too far away to hear the conversation.
“Er, no. I… no.” Which was technically true.
Had he seen the report Prathi had written up about the casual affair? I assumed Derrick, as the part owner, had a right to see anything that was reported to HR.
Isaac stepped on stage and tested the microphone.
Derrick cocked his head sideways like he was considering something, his eyes assessing me.
“It was nice to chat with you.” Derrick exhaled. “If you ever want anything else signed, let me know.”
He walked away tapping his forehead with the papers. I watched him and bit down on my bottom lip to contain my huge grin, giddy.
“What was that about?” Selena asked, bumping my shoulder with hers.
“I’m not sure,” I said turning to the stage. “He wanted to know about my relationship with Jackson.”
“Why? Are you guys in trouble?” Selena raised her eyebrows.
“I don’t think so. It was weird. Like Derrick was nervous.” I gave her a quick rundown of the conversation and then what he’d said at the end.
“He was flirting with you!” Selena squealed.
“Shhh.” I batted my hand at her.
“You are so clueless. I was watching him. He was nervous. I bet he was going to ask you out but since your whole body language said go away, he chickened out.”
I shifted my gaze back to him. He was staring at me, a miserable look on his face.
“You’re wrong. He doesn’t want to date me.”
“Who wants to date you?” Jackson came up beside me, his eyebrows raised in question.
“Panty-soaker Derrick Jacques,” Selena said.
Jackson made a show of scraping his gaze up and down Derrick’s body. “He is a fine specimen.”
I laughed, but my stomach flip-flopped nervously.
“If he does ask you out, you need to jump on that,” Selena said.
“Do you like him?” Jackson asked.