Page 25 of Unbossly Manners

Either party may terminate this Partnership at any time without written agreement. No questions or expectations of completion of services will be expected. Once one party has verbally terminated the Partnership, it shall be dissolved at once.

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6. Dispute Resolution

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The parties will attempt to resolve any dispute arising out of or relating to the Partnership through friendly negotiations. If the matter is not resolved either party may terminate the Partnership—or seek advice from Kat, the numero uno therapist. (Edit by: Katrina Ansley)

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7. Confidentiality

The terms of the Partnership shall remain confidential, and may not be discussed with an outside party unless legally obligated. Exceptions to this are named below.

-Selena Rosewood

-Katrina Ansley

-Prathi Anew

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If either party wishes to discuss this Partnership with a third party beyond those listed above, the party under the Agreement must receive consent either verbally or within writing.

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8. Video/Audio Recording

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No recording of sexual acts. Don’t be that guy (or girl). (Edit by: Katrina Ansley)

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9. Disclaimer

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The parties will speak with respect and kindness to one another and not criticize. Parties shall be positive in their interactions. Party 1 shall remember that Party 2 is not an expert, but a human man. (Edit by: Jackson Rhodes)

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10. Testing

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Both parties have agreed neither shall be tested for STDs before the Acts of Services commence—i.e. neither party has gotten laid in a very very very long time. (Edit by: Katrina Ansley)

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I scribbled my name at the bottom, Jackson and Kat following suit. Jackson took the signed document and folded it into a small square and shoved it in his pocket.

He was right. I felt safer and more secure seeing it in writing.

“I’ll shred it when I get home,” he said.

Kat’s phone rang and Jackson and I climbed down from her loft to give her privacy.