“I know Jackson. He needs a push—” Kat pressed her feet to the floor, swinging the chair “—to get back out there.”
“That doesn’t mean he wants to have sex with me,” I said.
“Why wouldn’t he? You’re adorable. He needs a fling where there’s no risk of emotional attachment. Plus, he loves a project.” Kat halted the chair and leaned forward, snatching my attention. “Peyton. I don’t know you that well but last night you said you wanted to be with someone who would respect you. And you want a teacher. Is all that correct?”
“Yes. In theory,” I ventured, still wrapping my head around this crazy suggestion that suddenly seemed like a real possibility.
“If you’re remotely attracted to Jackson—” Kat tilted her head forward, her face serious “—then what you want is right in front of you.”
“What do you think?” Kat leaned back in the chair. “Am I totally off base?”
Sweat broke out on my lower back and I glanced at the doorway. Jackson hadn’t returned but I was anxious what his reaction would be to all this.
“You’re her best friend. Don’t you think this could be good?” Kat swung her gaze to Selena.
Selena chewed on her bottom lip, but there was a gleam in her eyes. “You trust him. I can tell.”
“And he’s a very generous lover.” Kat scooted to the edge of the chair. Selena and she were practically giddy. “Jackson’s not over me, but he could be, with the right woman.”
I slurped the dregs of my drink and dumped it in the trash by the open door. In the hallway, a phone beeped. I glanced around the doorframe.
Jackson stood against the wall, his eyes catching mine. Two red spots bloomed on his cheeks. Behind me, I could hear Kat chattering to Selena. He didn’t appear angry, but sad and disillusioned.
He said nothing to me, but he’d obviously overheard the conversation. My mind froze, unsure what to say. Before my brain could unscramble, Jackson shoved his hands into his jeans and marched down the hallway.
* * *
Kat and Selena left shortly after that. Kat had stuff to sort out—an issue with Evie’s visa—and the jet lag had caught up to Selena.
I sat at my desk, a cacophony of emotions swooshing through me, and couldn’t grasp any one thought long enough to process the lunacy that had just ensued. I couldn’t leave the office without clearing the air with Jackson.
Jackson lay on his sofa, his left arm over his eyes. I tapped on the open door with my knuckle, and he peeked out from under his elbow.
“Come in,” he said.
I took the armchair across the coffee table.
“God, Kat’s awful.” He sighed deeply. “I understand if you want nothing to do with either of us again.”
“Actually… I kinda liked her idea.”
Jackson swung his legs to the rug, his eyes widening in surprise.
“I’m not looking for a teacher,” I hurried to say. “But I do want to experience good sex.” My knee bounced, uncomfortable with saying any of this to him, but unable to stop myself. “I can’t believe I’m here talking to you about my sex life, but I don’t ever want to have an experience like I did last night again. I’m so sick of being afraid to date because I suck at this one huge part of it.”
Jackson put his elbows on his knees, frowning. “Why do you think that way?”
I exhaled, nervous to reveal this truth about myself. “Do you know who Jasmine Heart is?”
Jackson sat back. “The soap opera actress? My mom loved her.”
“She’s my mother.”
He blinked. “She’s stunning.”