“Well, he no longer has a truck, and he’s probably lucky to be alive.”
“He wrecked it?”
“Says he’s sure it’s totaled.” He aggressively screws the lid back on an empty plastic oil bottle before he throws it at the ground. It bounces up at an angle, and then ricochets off the garage door.
“Did you make sure he’s physically okay? His face is cut up and bruised. He probably has other injuries.”
“I’m not a doctor.”
“Has he seen one?”
“I don’t know. And I don’t fucking care. He wants to piss away his future, there’s nothing I can do about that.”
“He’s just a kid, Law.”
“He’s twenty-one-years-old.”
“And you and I both know that’s only an adult on paper. He’s a kid. Didn’t you make mistakes at that age?”
“We’ve had this conversation.”
“No, I don’t think we have. You side-stepped it when I brought it up before.”
“I had extenuating circumstances for my mistakes.”
“Maybe he does, too. You said you don’t think he’s close to his family. What’s the story there?”
“I don’t know.”
“What do you mean you don’t know?”
“I’m not his guardian. I’ve done all I can do for him.”
“Well, I haven’t. He looks like he could use a home-cooked meal with friends. Invite him over tonight. I’ll have dinner ready at six.”
“Am I also supposed to come to this dinner?”
“I’d imagine it would be pretty damn uncomfortable for him to have dinner at my place without you, don’t you think?”
“You have a good heart, Greta, but what he needs right now is some tough love.”
“You’ve already tried that. And from what I can tell, it doesn’t seem to be working.”
“I shouldn’t even be speaking to you right now, let alone inviting you to dinner! And you’re trying to get out of it?”
“No, ma’am. See you at six.”
“Bring wine, not beer.”
“Alcohol might be the last thing he needs.”
“Never said I planned on sharing.”
I repeat my earlier performance of storming inside and slamming the door. Shit. If I’m cooking dinner for three tonight, I need to go to the grocery store.
With the door open just enough to peek my head out, I yell, “Let me know when my car is drivable again! I’ve got errands to run!”