Page 26 of Missed Exit

Hearing him call me beautiful was affirming and nice, but I don’t need nice right now. I need raw and dirty and rough. I need to know he sees me as a woman for all occasions—one he respects, but knows he can fuck like he doesn’t.

And the only way that works is if the respect is genuine and complete.

I don’t want false respect that has limitations ever again. I want a man selfless enough to risk losing me with honesty, not another coward who “protects” me with lies. I’ll never pretend again. If it’s not real, I don’t want it.

“Stop treating me like I’m breakable.”

“I thought maybe we should take our time.”

“Not tonight, Law. No restraints. I want to know who you are, not who you think I want you to be.”

“You promise not to hide anything from me either?”

“I’ll unleash my inner whore completely.” I smile because I can’t resist deflecting just a little with teasing flirtation. That’s the real me, though. It’s honest.

“Mmmm, I can’t wait to meet her.”

“Then stop stalling already.”

His eyes narrow, and I think we’re about to get real honest with each other.



Man Cannot Live on Pizza Alone

Pantingonmybackwith Greta’s head on my chest is not where I saw this night going. To be clear, I’m not complaining, but my head’s been spinning since she took her clothes off.

The moment she raised the stakes on our bet, I was sure she’d never pay up if she lost. I fully intended to give her a hard time about it, too—already had some good zingers queued up.

Thought maybe I might even get to see her blush while she tried to weasel her way out of following through.

Yeah, remind me not to underestimate her again.

She didn’t hesitate for a moment, just took her clothes off like I’d already seen her naked a million times before.

Hell, I may have blushed, but she sure didn’t.

And when she pulled my beer bottle to her mouth . . . let’s just say if I get dementia and only a single memory survives, it will be that one.

Actually, I’ll probably remember her tongue getting stuck, too.

I don’t mean to laugh in this tender moment, but damn, what a hilarious precursor to such amazing sex.

“What’s so funny?”

“What would your first guess be?”

She sighs, and it’s fucking adorable because I know she knows exactly what I’m laughing about. “My tongue getting stuck in that bottle?”

“Come on. Even you have to see the humor in it at this point.”

“What I lack in seduction skills, I make up for with comedy.”

“You do not lack in seduction skills, sweetheart.” I tickle her shoulder just to feel her squirm against me. “It was funny, but the moments before your tongue got stuck are a hell of a lot more memorable.”

“I wish I could scrub the whole episode from my brain.”