I’m not trying to impress my neighbor.
I fling the door open and immediately regret the action.
Law looks immaculate in a pair of dark jeans with a crisp, white button-down. His face sports an intentional stubble. His scruffiness is very well maintained. Not to mention his face smells like a woodsy beard oil when he wraps me up in a hug.
Why is he hugging me? Why am I letting him hug me?
Oh, damn. This is a sympathy hug.
It’s an I-don’t-know-what-else-to-do hug—the hug men give women when they’re afraid we might be about to break down.
“You can let go of me now. I’m not going to cry, I promise.”
His arms slowly loosen. “You just looked like you could use a hug.”
I step out of his arms. “I often look more pathetic than I am. You’ll get used to it.”
“Nice try.” He attempts to make eye contact, but I won’t let it happen.
When he realizes I’m not going to be the damsel in distress to his white knight, he says, “Do you need anything?”
“If your drill’s not already spoken for this afternoon, I have a TV that needs to be hung on the wall.”
“You got it.” It takes him no time to get his drill and come back.
“Thanks. Again.”
“No worries. When you buy my chips, get the good ones, the kettled cooked ones. And no store brand.”
“If I don’t figure out how to get my car fixed, I’ll have to pay for a ride to the store. You’re definitely getting the knock-off chips.”
“Hold off on buying them until you have your car back.”
“You’re still getting the store brand.”
“So, what you’re saying is you’re always cheap.”
“Did you miss the part where I told you I was a teacher?”
“This is a nice TV. You obviously splurge on some things.”
“It belonged to my ex.”
“You took his TV in the divorce? Brutal.”
“No divorce. Ex-boyfriend.”
“If you stole my TV, I’d break up with you, too.”
“After what he did, he would’ve given me anything I wanted to keep his secret.”
“You took the TV and then told everyone his secret, anyway, right?”
“That’s exactly what I did. And then he went on a confession tour and told anyone he thought I might’ve missed. I think his plan was to get out in front of the news and spin it to his advantage. But it’s hard to shine a positive light on sleeping with your brother’s wife, right? How much do you think I could sell this TV for?”
“Sounds like a great guy. A better revenge would be to keep it and enjoy it.”
“I’m not seeking revenge. I need to pay the ransom on my car.”