“Are you saying you think Patty and I had that in common?”
“I honestly don’t know how two control freaks ever had a relationship. Except you at least make sure people do the work they signed up for instead of doing it for them.”
“And that right there was the key. We were a lot alike, but we were just different enough.”
“To drive each other crazy?”
“Far too often. But every now and then, our strengths meshed. Those were good times.”
“I’m sure your strengths would’ve worked together more often as you got older if . . .” She looks stunned at what she’s said or what she was about to say. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean that to sound like—.”
“Don’t apologize, Ivy. I know exactly what you meant. And I like to think you’re right.”
And I wish I could include you in meetings, but my old heart won’t let me.
“Let me know when there’s something else to be done for this year’s festival, but next year, I’m on the planning committee. And I won’t take no for an answer, so don’t even think about shutting me out.”
“I promise that won’t happen.”
Little Nudges Everywhere
I look up frommy phone and see the big cat coming toward me. It’s not a mountain lion. It has long silvery hair. It’s a Wizard.
Not wanting to spook the floofy kitty, I look around, pretend to be uninterested until we’re close enough to each other that I can almost reach out and touch him. I squat down and extend my hand. “Hey, Wizard. It’s nice to meet you.”
He closes the distance between us and rubs his head against my hand.
“Oh, you’re a sweetie, just like Myrna said.” His meow is loud with a hint of a screech to it. “She was right about you being noisy, too.”
The enormous cat purrs as I drag my fingers down his back. “Oh, listen to that growly purr. Are you a lion? Is that what you are, Wizard? A big, silver lion?”
“How do you know my cat?”
The voice startles me. Damn, she’s stealthy. Wizard’s back arches as if she’s surprised him, too.
I stand to introduce myself. “You must be April. Hi, I’m Ivy.”
“Oh, so you’re Petra’s little darling, huh?”
“Excuse me?”
“I heard about you already, that’s all. You’re the granddaughter.”
“What else have you heard?”
“Well, let’s see. I’m supposed to be nice to you. Not comment on your affair with Stinger—”
“Affair? Neither one of us is married, so we’re not having an affair.”
“You’re scrappier than I expected.” She pulls her head back and examines me from head to toe. “Taller, too.”
“Who described me as meek and short?”
April laughs and runs her hand through her hair. It’s the color of a paper grocery bag, darker than beige, but not quite brown. She’s shorter than me, but average height. Most everything about her seems fairly nondescript. Except her personality. Her attitude probably surprises a lot of people when they first meet her. Thankfully, I’ve been warned.
“Nobody called you meek, just sweet.”