“Keep going and you’re going to piss me off all over again.”
“You got a door for that.” I take a few steps back.
She swings it open, and pulls it halfway back before she releases it to let it slam. “Damn, that is pretty satisfying.” She slams it again.
I step close enough to press my face back into the screen and pucker my lips against it.
“I am not kissing you through that dirty screen.”
“Well, if you’re not willing to get dirty, I don’t know if I want to take you fishing after all.”
“Don’t you have work to do?”
“Nothing that’s more important than working on us.”
“Dammit, quit being great. I’m not ready to forgive you yet.”
“You don’t have to forgive me yet, Ivy. Just put some shoes on. Let’s go fishing with friends.”
She slams her new screen door as we leave.
We’ll hardly see each other over the next two days. She might forgive me by Monday or she might be completely over me by then, but she’s willing to get in the truck with me now, so I’m taking her fishing.
Naming Rights
“Everybody keeps saying thefestival will be smaller this year,” Josephine says as she bounces her line in the water. Cujo grabs her pole and holds it still. He’s told her to quit jiggling it a dozen times, but she keeps doing it. “But fewer artists don’t mean fewer people will come.”
“It won’t take them as long to see everything, though,” Jensen says.
Dice helps Zara reel in her fourth fish. She’s the only one who has caught anything so far. I don’t think she really needs his help, but she lets him do it. While he’s taking her fish off the hook, she asks if I’m okay.
“I’m good. Or I will be. Did I tell you my mom has a boyfriend?”
“I already knew that. I’ve seen her out with him.”
“I’m glad he takes her to do things. She needs to get out and have fun more often.”
“He seems nice. Definite silver fox.”
“Really? I haven’t seen a picture of him. All I know is he’s a doctor. I should’ve asked her more questions. She probably thinks I don’t care.”
“I doubt she thinks that. Hasn’t she had boyfriends before?”
“Not in a really long time. She dates, but no relationships.”
“I think Dr. Daddy might be changing that.”
“Do not call him that.”
“You’ll see.”
“So,” Josephine says. “I think tonight feels like a good night for tattoos.”
“I’m game.” Zara nods at Cujo. “You can go first. I guess you outrank me.”
“I don’t know about all that.” He winks at Josephine.