“Listen, I thought my friend ran off to live with a bunch of hermits. Then she tells me she has a celebrity for a next-door neighbor!”
Josephine blushes, and I don’t think I’ve ever seen that from her. I forget she was on a TV show. She’s so humble, but I know she’s a big name in her industry. Cujo says she’ll always try to downplay it, even with him.
He walks up behind her now with a proud smile on his face.
Zara looks like she wants to say something, but she’s nervous. Ivy nods at her, and she says, “I know this weekend is going to be really busy, but if you have any time, I’d love to talk to you about a tattoo I’ve been wanting for a while. If it’s something you’d be interested in doing, I’ll book an appointment and fly out to your studio.”
“You don’t have to do that. I can do it while you’re here.”
Cujo’s eyebrows lift. “Huh, how long have I known you now? And you haven’t offered to tattoo me in Ivydell.” He smiles at Zara. “You must make a better first impression.”
“Wait,” Josephine says. “You never asked. I didn’t know you wanted me to.”
Ivy was right. She definitely wants to give him a tattoo. Her whole face is glowing.
“Okay, look,” she says. “I’m here all weekend. I’ll be more than happy to tattoo all three of you.”
Zara and Cujo nod and smile. Ivy doesn’t look as excited, but she is smiling. I think she might go through with it. She blows me a kiss.
We all sit together and eat. Everyone is running on the same buzzing energy that always precedes the festival. In so many ways, this feels like every year since I’ve been here, but it’ll be different. Smaller can be good sometimes.
“I can’t believe I have my own casita,” Zara says. “I feel so special.”
“I’ll be right next-door if you need anything, doll,” Myrna says. She’s come over to introduce herself. And, of course, she’s wearing her signature pendant. Her logo.
I’m sure Ivy warned Zara about Wild Love, but it would be hard not stare even if you were expecting it. “I’d love to see all your jewelry.”
“Come over in the morning. I’ll be polishing everything and putting my displays together.”
April walks in, and Ivy waves.
Josephine sucks in a breath, but she doesn’t say a word. Cujo puts his arm around her.
Wise move. Sends a clear message to April, and hopefully, calms Josephine. She may not have left at the sight of her, but it’s obvious she’s not thrilled about April being here, either.
Petra goes over and leads April to the food, chatting as they walk. We just might make it through this party with no drama. There’s never been much drama in Ivydell at all, but April can’t seem to help herself sometimes.
“We’ve got homemade cookies for dessert,” Tawny yells from the counter.
“When did she have time to bake?” Ivy asks.
I refill her wine glass. “If she’s not painting, she’s baking.”
“She and I each managed to get several dozen baked today in between chores,” Myrna says. “There’s plenty so eat up.”
“Anybody else need more wine?”
Zara holds up her glass.
Shadow and Dice come in together, both carrying guitar cases. I see Cujo’s already leaning against the wall in the corner. They place theirs next to his before they head for the barbecue. I’m glad they’re going to play tonight. It’s one of the things I’ll miss most about this place.
I see Ivy and Zara walk away from the corner of my eye. They stop to talk to the resident mediums. She said Zara would be fascinated by the spooky sisters, and I can see by the look on her face that she is.
Dice comes over after he and Shadow find a place to set their plates. He kneels down between me and Cujo at the end of the table.
“You get anything out of him?” Cujo asks.
“Yeah,” Dice nods. “He’s going to be fine. Probably got more solid plans than most of us.”