Josephine looks up from the rake she’s wielding. “I’ll let Alma and Elma know.”

“Thanks.” She knows I’m still a little uncomfortable approaching Whispering Winds. I like the Spirit Sisters, but their casita makes me antsy.

“Y’all need any help out here?”

“Nope.” I swear they all say it in unison. I’d be offended if I didn’t know they were trying to be nice.

“Okay, fine.”

I walk to April’s casita, take a deep breath, and knock on the door. She eyes me warily when she opens it. “Girls’ night at the community center tonight. I want to introduce my friend, Zara, to everyone. You should come.”

“Maybe I will.”

“See you there.”

Jensen calls to say they’re done with the signs, and he and Cujo are going to pick up barbecue for an impromptu community dinner. “Should I get wine, too?”

“Yes, please. It was planning to host girls’ night, but I guess now it’s a unisex party. You’re saving me from having to go to the store.”

He laughs. “Were you planning to include all the girls?”

“I’ve invited them all.”

“Are they all aware?”

“We’re all adults. I’m sure it’ll be fine.”

“Your optimism is boundless.”

“It’s Ivydell. No one should be excluded here.”

I hear him filling Cujo in on my plans for the night as we’re ending our call—and Cujo’s gravelly voice saying, “Your old lady’s fearless.”

Not loving theold ladybit. But I kind of like the fearless part. I used to fear so many pointless things. The desert changes people.


Through the Hourglass

I stare at thewoman in the mirror and wonder how she got here. Her hair should be longer and darker, her skin smoother, and her convictions less wavering.

I’m not so tough anymore, Patty. Tonight is the last time that what’s left of Ivydell will come together before the festival. This festival being Ivy’s first. Ironic, no? You probably wouldn’t think so. You’d say it was exactly how it was meant to be. I’d call bullshit, even though a part of me would believe you. I believe a little more in the timing of the universe now. There’s no denying that I’m done trying to hold back the wind, huh?

I laugh at my reflection, but it’s not entirely self-deprecating. Hell, I’m happier than I’ve been since I don’t know when.Looking around me, I see people I care for finding happiness. And that’s got to count for something. In the end, this wasn’t all for nothing. I’ve got to believe it was always supposed to be this way.

It mattered that we were here. We made a difference. Changed some people’s lives.

Healed a few hearts. Maybe even one that didn’t deserve it.

I’m grateful. Just so goddamn grateful for it all.


Not the Time or Place

Cujo and I hangout and have a few beers while we wait for our large to-go order. We could’ve called it in to be ready when we got here, but it’s better this way. My shoulders are sore, but my body feels light. There is a lot of work ahead for the weekend, but I’m neither dreading nor looking forward to it. It’ll be what it’ll be. And it’ll be all right.

“What are your immediate plans?” I ask.