He kisses my neck, and brings his hands to my back, pulling me closer.

“You need to claim me first?”

“I might need to claim you all night long.” His warm hands glide up and down my back.

“The last thing I expected to find here was a shirtless man with a scorpion tattoo, who would change my whole life.” I trace the scorpion’s tail with my fingertip.

“Is that what you tell your friends about me?” He squeezes my ass.

“Of course not. I tell them you’re just some hot guy I’m fucking to pass the time.”

“Well, they probably need some new material.” He pulls the blanket off my bed. “Wrap up.”


“So if any cars pass us, they won’t realize you’re riding in my truck completely naked.”

“Where are we going?”

“To a place with an incredible view.”

“Sunset’s almost over.”

“Full moon. I’ll be able to see you just fine.”



I’m actually a littleshocked that Ivy let me carry her to my truck wrapped in a blanket. No protest even when I fastened her seatbelt for her. She had to readjust to free her arms, but now she’s sitting in my passenger seat with a blanket wrapped around her like a towel, as if it’s something she always does.

Sometimes, I think I know what’s going on in her head, but all I know right now is that she doesn’t seem bothered at all. I’m not sure if it’s because she trusts me, or if she’s five steps ahead of me and I just haven’t figured it out yet.

“Where are we going?”

“Somewhere we’ve been before.”

“I’m not going in Hilltop like this.”

“Why not? Shane might give you a discount.”

“Seriously, Jensen. Where are we going?”

Okay, so she’s definitely not five steps ahead of me. She sounds a little worried. This could be fun.

“I already told you. To a place with a view.”

The turn is just up ahead. She’s going to figure it out any second. Her smile reveals when it hits her. I turn the wheel without saying a word and drive to the spot.

When I reach the overlook and back in, she looks a little worried again. “You plan on us getting out of this truck?”

“No view through the windshield.”

“If you turned the truck around, there would be.”

“But I’m not turning the truck around.” I open my door and get out, walk around the front of the truck as her eyes track me, and open her door.

She bites her bottom lip. Is it anticipation, or is she thinking of resisting? I reach across her body and unhook her seatbelt, slide an arm behind her back, and lift her out of her seat. The way her body softens so I can pick her up sends my dick into the exact opposite state.