Page 16 of Game Changer

And just like that—game on.

In the third, Hart and I both squeak one in the end zone, but so does Dallas. With two minutes left, they pull ahead of us. With fifty seconds left, Hart makes a catch that will undoubtedly be on the highlight reels for years to come.

Joey is ready to come in from the sidelines, kick the field goal, tie us up, fight it out in overtime, and play it safe.

“This game is already a tiebreaker; we’re tied with Texas for playoff position. Coach was no-bullshit in the locker room when he said a tie is a loss until it’s not. He told me when we used our last time-out the last in the game, that the call is mine, and I’m saying it’s ours.”

We all cheer.

“Are we losers, or are we gonna win this game now?”

The play is set. Fourth and goal. Ball on the five. The defense is expecting the run, a Cody Warren special. The snap comes clean, I fire off the line, sell the block, then slip loose—wide open in the end zone. Warren looks to Hart, and he’s fully covered. Then he rifles it straight to my chest. Hands tight, ball secured, the second I turn, I see the safety coming—full speed, ready to erase me. I lower my shoulder, absorb the hit, but hold my ground and press forward.

The stadium erupts, telling me we fucking got this.

Grimes pulls me up, and Warren grabs my facemask. “Fuck yes! Fuck yes!”

“You better lasso it up, Boone; your girls are watching you!” Hart says as he pulls me into a full-ass hug.

The wall of players part, and I do my thing—two flips, shake my ass, pull out my imaginary lasso, and toss it up to where Lily is standing on Lindsey’s knees. She does her thing—throws herarms in the air and shakes her tiny hiney as the imaginary rope takes hold.

Lindsey smiles, but she’s not getting wrapped up; she never has. But that doesn’t change a thing; we’re still doing our thing, working on being the best parents we can for our little flower.

After my shower, Tate McKinley, our team communications manager, tells me I’m on for postgame.

I shoot Lindsey a text.


Gotta do press. Hang around?


We’re with Riley in the hall.



When I round the corner, Lily starts running down the hall at me, full speed in her little Boone jersey, pink and gold, because “Black is boring, Daddy,” and her pink tutu.

I bend down and swoop her up.

“We won, Daddy!”

“Darn right, we did,” I say, hugging her close.

“You lassoed me!”

“Gotta make sure my best girl never gets away.”

She slaps her hands against my face, holding it still, as if I’m looking anywhere but at her. “We gots to celebrate.”

“Straight fact.”

“My Riley asked we go to the Brooks’ big barn for dinner.” I love the sound of her excited voice. “Mommy didn’t know mes big enough.”

I head over to Lindsey and ask, “You wanna go eat with the Knights fam?”