Page 68 of Game Changer

“Dang, Mom,” Blane huffs.

“Don’t be a tool,” Mom replies.

“Better that than titties.”



“Shit, Ma,” Bishop groans.

“Honk-honks?” Benton laughs, and then we all do.

I look at the clock. “Y’all have ten hours before you need to be at the airport. Can’t wait to see you tomorrow. Love you. Fly safe.”

“Son, you should be resting,” Sydney’s dad, Cory, says as I walk in with another armload of chairs to set up. In the enclosed portion of the pavilion, we’ll gather for our vows and a toast before and after the ceremony.

“Wanted to get the feel of the place. Your vows were exchanged in here?” I ask.

“Hey,” comes from the group of women—Molly, Tessa, Phoebe, and Linda Hart—as they walk in, arms full of bags and boxes.

“Thought you ladies were in Skaneateles getting pampered?” I ask as I take bags from them and set them down on the chairs.

“Funny, we thought you were home resting so you would feel better for your wedding day,” Molly scolds.

“He wanted to get a feel for the place.” Cory winks at her.

“Which means you have some surprises up your sleeve,” Molly says suspiciously.

Grinning like a fool, I admit, “I sure do.”

“Spill it, Boone.” Tessa Links, one of Sydney’s aunts, smiles as she pulls fabric from a bag.

“Chair covers?” I ask, avoiding the question.

She nods. “Just like we did for Molly and Cory’s wedding.”

“Appreciate it.”

Phoebe smiles. “And bows.”

“And booze.” Jade pulls out two bottles of champagne.

“The only thing missing is the thing that really matters—our people.”

Linda Hart, who has become such an important person in Lily and my life, wraps her arm around me. “You’re a good man.”

“Never gonna stop making sure I stay that way.”

Walking back over the stone bridge from what they call the Cow Shed, I look at the waterfalls that look magical with frozen water suspended over the rock.

“I want pictures there, for sure,” I say then blow into my hands and nod to the snow-covered stairs. “Maybe there, too.”

Reaching into my pocket, I wink at Molly and Tessa. “How beautiful will my bride look in a horsedrawn sleigh coming through this space and meeting me at the altar?” I look at the screen. “Speaking of my bride.” I hitaccept. “Hey Cupcake, how was your day?”

“Daddy,” Lily sobs. “Daddy, the mean police pulled over the pink Jeep and taked my Syd in the woods. We need to help her!”

I take off toward the parking lot. “Where are you, Lily?”