Page 53 of Game Changer

I stand in the shower, under the cool stream of water that slices over my skin, erasing the stress of the day, enough of it, anyway, so that I’m feeling aroused by the thought of what I know already is my favorite flavor but would never admit it because it threatens to expose the truth behind why I stop at Sugar Rush every chance I get.

I fist my hard cock and twist it in my hand, imagining her tongue swirling around the tip as I lean back against the tiled wall. I close my eyes and see her as I stroke myself with increasing urgency.

I can almost imagine her hands on me, her body pressed against mine, her breath hot against my neck. My imagination conjures up every detail of her, from the freckles that bridge her nose in the summer to the soft curves of her hips. I let out a low groan as the pleasure builds, my hand moving faster and faster until I come, hissing her name.

An hour later, I’m sitting in a bunk at the old fire station across the road from my two girls, full of gratitude that Riley and Hudson offered to look after my high-on-pain-meds pup so that I could be closer to Lily and Sydney.

We talked about hiring a dog sitter for the days we were all busy, but then Lindsay offered to watch after both the pups, which was cool. Obviously, now that does not work. So, while I was beating off in the shower, they contacted the girl the four of us had interviewed, the fourth being Lily, who had the most questions, of course, and Addison was willing to start tomorrow.

I stand when Logan and Lucas, who wanted to meet to share information, enter. Then I watch as Liam, Remington, and two other big motherfuckers who should be playing ball follow them in.

Remington nods to a doorway, and I follow them all into a room with a conference table where a huge-ass monitor hangs on the wall. Two other men are already in the room; one is Linda’s, Hudson’s mother, boyfriend, Zane Marks, and the other I have no idea, but he’s older—I’d guess in his sixties, and he’s jacked. Goals, man, goals.

“Thanks for coming, Bones.” Lucas gives him a half-hug.

“Not a problem,” he says as he steps back and looks at me.

I hold my hand out. “Beau Boone.”

He shakes it. “Bones.”

“All right, real quick,” Remington states, “there doesn’t seem to be a connection between Miss Bellemont’s accident and the threats against The Knights.”

I look at Logan. “Threats?”

He nods once but doesn’t look at me; he stays focused on Remington.

“That being said, the tires being bald on a pretty damn close to brand new vehicle is bullshit. We all know it; we just don’t know why. We did have Bones tap into the security camera at Miss Bellemont’s residence.” He nods to the camera, and footage dated the same night of the accident shows Lindsey and Bossy pulling out of the garage. “She’s smiling, looks happy, and … stop. Zoom in on the tires.”

Bones does so on a tablet he’s holding.

“Do they match the ones at the scene?”

Lucas opens his phone and looks at the screen. “No.”

“So, why the fuck would someone change the tires on her vehicle after the accident?” Matthew Ross asks then answers, “To make money or hide the real cause of the accident.”

“I’m guessing Officer Shitbag knows which it is,” I growl.

“As the kids would say, that’s sus.” The other Abraham—CJ I think his name is—pushes off the table. “Which is why we have a state guy threatening the shit out of Officer Shitbag’s best friends from high school, the owners of the garage, and offering them a deal if they give us useful information.”

“Fuck that. they rot, too.”

“They will,” Matthew assures me.

Anger rages through me. “Why the fuck would he want to hurt Lindsey?”

He nods to the screen. “They’d been communicating on social media. He started the conversation, but Lindsey was the one to ask the most questions, and they were all about Sydney.”


hey mthr2flwr, I think you and I are related.

08:45 AM


I think you’ve mistaken me for someone else.