Page 85 of The Sweetest Chirp

I grin back. “Thanks, love you.”

As I hang up, I feel Telly’s eyes on me. “Was that your sister?”

I sigh. “Yes.”

“She’s superhot. Why are you hiding her away from me?”

I look over at him, hoping my eyes tell him exactly what I want to say. “Because you’re a manwhore who will chase after her. Don’t even think about it.”

“What? I am a respectable gentleman!”

I don’t even have to say anything; the team starts to razz him as I lean back and wait to call my girl. Unfortunately, we arrive at the airport with Telly intact because, of course, everyone was giving it to him. Now I have to make sure he doesn’t go after my sister. Though, surely he isn’t that dumb.

On second thought, I need to make sure never to bring Ingrid around him.

As we’re walking in, I pull out my headphones and then FaceTime Audrina. She answers right away, and the sight of her has me in knots. I can see the top of Arwen’s head as she sleeps against her mommy’s chest while Audrina beams at me, herhair up in a messy bun with curls falling every which way. She reminds me of how she looked after I spent the night inside her.

God, I miss her.

“Hey there, gorgeous.”

A blush fills her cheeks, making her freckles stand out just how I love them. “Hey, that was a great game.”

“Thanks,dushen’ka. One more win and I’ll be home.”

“So, if you lose, you won’t be home?”

I snort. “Oh, I’m coming home.”

Her eyes darken as she moves her fingers through Arwen’s hair. “I miss you.”

“I miss you more. I can’t wait to see you.”

She waggles her brows. “I am counting the hours.”

“Oh,dushen’ka, I’m counting the seconds.”

Her eyes dance as a sneaky grin comes over her face. “And you wanted to just kiss me goodnight.”

It’s a wee bit tighter in my slacks as I hold her heated gaze. “I’m not the smartest guy, remember?”

She giggles. “You’re my guy.”

My heart pounds in my chest, and I want every single part of this girl.

I have her past, I have her present, and now, I know I’ll have her future.

“You pregnant yet?”

She laughs out loud, shaking her head. “I don’t know. It’s not even time yet.”

“When will you know?”

“At the end of the month, I guess?” She gives me a pointed look. “It was one night, Thatty. Don’t get your hopes up.”

I scoff at that. “Oh, butdushen’ka, it was only one night the last time, and you were on birth control then.” Her lips turn up at that and leave me breathless. “My swimmers have no barrier. My boys are ready to party.”

She snorts, her whole face deep red. “You’re impossible.”