You have your doctor’s appointment, and you don’t want to leave Baba and Dede, do you?
She shrugs.I want to be with you, or I’ll miss you very much.
Man, this girl is going for the jugular. Just like her mom.I’ll call you every night.
She moves into my arms, wrapping her small ones around my neck as she sighs deeply. I pull her closer to me, kissing her cheek. We stay like that for a few minutes before she backs away and continues to load my bag. My heart aches as I do the same. Needing to make her smile, I lift her and grin when she lets outa trill of a laugh. I gently toss her into the bag with my stuff, and she laughs even harder before I start dragging the bag through the garage. I love how loud and squealy her laughter is, but nothing compares to the love I have for her.
Once I make sure she can’t fall out, I lift the bag and carry it inside. I don’t need to bring it in, but I want to so she’ll continue laughing. Once inside, I put it back down and drag it toward the kitchen, where I hear Mom talking. When I enter, everyone laughs at the sight of Arwen giggling as I pull her through the kitchen. I instantly look for Audrina, finding her at the island, leaning on it with her legs crossed. Her face is flushed, and by the grins on Mom’s, Ingrid’s, and Anya’s faces, I have an idea why. She must have been recapping our date.
Audrina pops up, snatching Arwen playfully out of the bag, much to her protest.You can’t leave me!
Arwen pouts, giving her mom a rather mean look.I want to go with Daddy.
We can’t, my love. He has to go to work. Don’t be upset.
But I will miss him.
I press my hand into my chest as everyone awws and coos over Arwen, telling her it’ll go fast and not to fret. Wish they’d tell me that. I don’t know how I’m gonna make it without these two girls. I feel a great need to wrap my arms around them, and then I remember I can. I ignore the onlookers and kiss Audrina’s temple before kissing Arwen’s nose. I lift my hands so I can sign to my girl. Malyshonuk, I will miss you so much, but I need you to look after Mommy for me.
Arwen’s eyes are blurry with more tears, and I hope they don’t fall. She nods, lifting her little chin before she signs back.Okay, Daddy. I’ll watch her.
I chuck her chin.That’s my girl. Thank you.
She gives me a weak smile, and I kiss her nose once more. When I feel Audrina looking at me, I meet her gaze and smile. “Hey there.”
Her lips quirk. “Hey, are you packed?”
“Yup,” I answer, then I sign my next sentence. “Had the best helper imaginable.”
Arwen smiles proudly as she leans into Audrina’s chin. I nuzzle my nose between Arwen’s head and Audrina’s chin, and as I wanted, they both laugh beautifully. My eyes drift shut as I wrap my arms around them, holding them close and inhaling Arwen’s vanilla scent along with Audrina’s rosemary and mint one. I want to make sure I get my fill before I’m gone and can’t do this for the next couple weeks.
As much as I wanted to skip this road trip, I’m already in hot water with Olive. She really didn’t want to accept my FMLA leave request, but that’s against the law. Since I had the right documents and my lawyer was involved, I didn’t have to pay the fines. Though, I did donate the amount the fines would have been to the IceCats Foundation, telling Olive I did it to acknowledge that I put her and my team in a bind. While I am very apologetic for my absence, I would do it all over again if it concerns my family.
For once in my life, something is more important than hockey.
My girls.
When Audrina tips her jaw up, I grin down at her before capturing her mouth with mine. It’s not a long kiss but a sweet one, in the hope she can feel how much I’ll miss her. When we part, her eyes are hooded as I say, “I love you.”
I hear an intake of breath, having completely forgotten our family is in the room. Audrina’s lips part only slightly, but she doesn’t look away. Instead, she repeats, “I love you.”
I don’t know if it’s because we’re right next to Arwen and she has her ear gear on, but when she says my name, I almost throw my neck out to look at her. She beams up at me, her cheeks so full and beautiful as she signs and says,I love you. It sounds like she says “Olive-ooh,” but I know what she means. Tears burn my eyes, and one hell of a lump forms in my throat as I capture my baby’s face in my hands. I kiss her nose then both her eyes as she laughs sweetly. Then I let go to sign and tell her, “I love you more,malyshonuk.”
Arwen’s eyes are full of excitement as she leans her cheek into mine. When she does that, I have a full view of my mom, Anya, and Ingrid, who are all looking at us like they might combust.
It’s Anya who speaks first. “So, you guys are together?”
“Yeah,” I say as Audrina agrees with a nod.
Ingrid squeals as Mom lets out a sob and says, “Oh, thank the heavens.” I glance back at Audrina as she beams up at me. I did a lot of thanking the heavens last night, and when I wink at her, her face flushes since she did the same. Then Mom is yelling through the house, “Don, William! Get the golf cart!”
I glance back at my mother as she comes over, taking Arwen from Audrina. “Hey,” I complain, but she sets me with a look before kissing her granddaughter. She hands her off to Ingrid just as Dad and William come into the kitchen.
It’s Dad who asks, “What’s going on?”
William looks between Audrina and me, taking in how closely I’m holding her to my body. “Oh, has there been a development?”
Audrina giggles as Mom squeals, “They’re in love and together and finally admitted it.”