After tending to a fainting Anya, everyone is just staring at us.
No one has said anything or even asked who Arwen is. I think they know. I gather up my girl and sit her on thecounter in the kitchen just as Ingrid comes over with a bag of pretzels.
Yes?She signs to Arwen, and my daughter beams at her aunt as she nods. She takes the bag, and I rub her back as I look over at my parents, who are stunned into silence. Tears have spilled over my mom’s high cheekbones, her bun off to the side and messy from trying to get her best friend off the floor. She is breathing hard, and my dad looks just as weary. He keeps running his fingers through his dark hair, looking from Arwen to me then back again. William’s jaw has been slack since he set eyes on Arwen. I wonder if he sees the dusting of freckles along her cheeks and knows they mirror her mother’s. If he sees the beauty that was passed down like a blessing from God.
The silence is deafening, and as always, my eyes travel to the mother of my child. She stands by her mom, putting a bandage on her elbow from where she busted it up when she fell. Audrina has redone her bun, and more tendrils of hair fall along her slender neck. Her shoulders are back, and I know she’s tense. I want to close the distance, rub out all the knots, and make her feel good. The jeans she wears make her ass look so damn juicy, and I want to take a bite. Not sure that would go over well with her or our parents since we’ve given them no information. I’m sure they’re trying to figure out what is going on. Hell, welcome to the crowd.
All I know is I want Audrina to be mine.
She was so brave, held her head up and stood her ground.
I’m proud and in awe of her.
Fuck, I want her.
Again, not the time or place, but it’s true. I want her—no, fuck me, Ineedher.
I look back at Arwen, and she’s munching happily on pretzels. I tuck her hair behind her ears and then tap her jaw. Her eyes meet mine, and I sign,Nice nap?
She nods.Yes, but I’m so hungry.
I can see that. How are your ears?
She shrugs, a little frown pulling at her lips.Okay. Still hurt.
I’m sorry.
It’s Dad who asks, “She’s deaf?”
I meet my dad’s gaze and nod. “Yeah. Her ear gear wasn’t the best, so we went to see Dr. Welsomire today, and she’s getting new gear. She has an ear infection right now.”
Dad’s brow knits as my mom asks, “Have you done hot compresses? They used to work on Ingrid.”
“We haven’t had time?—”
“I usually do,” Audrina answers, cutting me off. Anya grabs her daughter’s hand, studying Audrina, but she doesn’t say anything. “She doesn’t like them much.”
Mom’s breath catches as she nods. “Neither did Ingrid, but they helped.”
Once more, silence stretches between us. Arwen taps my arm, and I tear my gaze away from my parents to look down at her.Daddy, are Baba and Dede mad?
My smart girl. My mom lets out a sob, though I ignore her to sign to Arwen.No,malyshonuk. Everyone is just so excited to meet you.
She sends me a toothy grin, and I notice that she has a small gap like Audrina does. I wonder if it’ll stay or if it’ll close when her adult teeth come in. Audrina didn’t have a gap when she was young, but now, it’s there. I watch as Arwen looks around the room, her doe eyes shining as she waves to everyone. Then with a confidence I didn’t know an almost three-year-old could possess, she signs,I’m Arwen. I’m two.She holds up two fingers, and I can’t help but grin as everyone's eyes become watery.I am so very excited to meet you.
Anya squeezes Audrina’s arm, and I watch as she looks at her mother. “She is yours?”
Audrina grins over at Arwen. And while she signs, she says, “Yes, that’s my baby girl.”
An ache burns in my chest as Arwen juts her little chin up proudly.
“Thatcher?” my mom asks on a sob, and I nod.
I look down at Arwen and tap her leg. When her sweet brown eyes meet mine, I say and sign,“Yes, I am her daddy.”
The room goes silent once more, until my mom asks, “How?”