Page 36 of The Sweetest Chirp

“It doesn’t matter.”

“It does to me.”

“I don’t know why.”

“Because I don’t want anyone else touching you.”

Now she looks at me, her cheeks bright red as her gaze locks with mine. Her eyes are full of challenge, confusion, defiance, and I’m obsessed with them. I know how this girl looks when she comes. That isn’t something I’ve forgotten. I don’t want anyone seeing that but me, and my soul prays no one has. It’d be a good payback and I’d deserve it, but fuck, I hope she hasn’t.

Her jaw tightens before she sighs deeply. Her mouth opens as her eyes search mine, but before she can answer, the door opens to Dr. Welsomire, our specialist. Fuck me sideways. Audriana’s head whips to our doctor, and I slouch against the wall as Arwen snuggles deeper into my chest. Dr. Welsomire is older, but she’s not like one of those old doctors who are set in their ways. She has continued to learn all the best methods and is at the top of her field. Ingrid wouldn’t be where she is today if it weren’t for Dr. Welsomire. I think she’s the reason that Ingrid is going to school. To become just like her.

Fuck, I can’t wait for her to meet Arwen.

She leans in, tickling Arwen’s cute toes, and my girl lets out a shrill little giggle before cuddling deeper into me. “Everything looks on track. I’d like to get her in speech therapy once we get her new ear gear in. She is so prolific in sign, but she is verybehind in speech. With the new ear gear, I am hoping she’ll be able to hear more and be able to learn more words. She’s a smart little cookie.” I grin with pride. Dr. Welsomire just confirmed that my kid is a genius. “As I said, this new ear gear will take some getting used to because it’ll weigh a bit more than the last set. But it will also be a better-fitted set. So, while it’ll be heavier, it’ll be easier on her ears, which I hope relieves the pressure that has been causing the infections.”

I nod in agreement as Audrina asks, “How is the infection?”

“Unfortunately, not as cleared up as I’d like. If it’s okay with you, I’d like to change her antibiotics. She’s been on the other one for three days?” Audrina agrees, and Dr. Welsomire makes a face. “Yeah, everything was so red before we even went in to poke around, so let’s change them. Use pain meds as needed.” Then she looks at Arwen, wiggling her big toe. When Arwen grins and giggles, Dr. Welsomire signs to her,It’s been so nice to meet you. I hope to see you soon.

Arwen signs back a goodbye, and Dr. Welsomire looks up at me. “She’s a gorgeous girl. Smart, to boot. I’m glad to be able to treat her.”

“We had to come to the best,” I tell her, and she beams at that. Before we left on our road trip home, I told Audrina I’d gotten us in with Dr. Welsomire, and she immediately canceled that appointment she’d made in North Carolina.

“Always such a sweet boy.” She taps my cheek, then Audrina’s. “I always knew you two would end up together.”

I grin at her before reaching for Arwen’s little jeans and sweater that match Audrina’s. When the door shuts, Audrina says under her breath, “You were quick to correct everyone before. Why not now?”

My grin grows as I look up at her while she wrestles with Arwen’s boot. “I sense a bit of anger.”

“None at all,” she says, flashing me a smile with all her teeth. “Just an observation.”

I replace her hands with mine, forcing Arwen’s boot on while I hold Audrina’s gaze. “Can’t correct the truth. We did end up together, and she’s the prize for that.”

Her eyes narrow, her nose turning red along with her neck. Her hands are shaking as she gathers Arwen’s Bluey backpack. I take hold of Audrina’s wrist, and she looks over to me expectantly. “How do you feel this went?”

She shrugs. “Wonderful. Dr. Welsomire is incredible.”

“Okay. Then why are you being snippy?”

I think only I know she’s chewing the inside of her lip. It’s a nervous tic she’s had since we were kids. She swallows before she asks, “Are you mad?”

“Mad? About you being with someone? Have you?”

Her brow crash together. “Oh my God, let it go, Thatty. We aren’t discussing that.” Her eyes are narrowed, annoyance filling her features. “I mean that she hasn’t been getting this kind of care.”

We are going to be discussing relationships, just not right now. I swallow down my irritation at the fact that I think she has been with someone, and I shrug. “Frustrated, but not mad. You didn’t have the resources you have now.”

“Yes, because?—”

I wave her off. “I don’t want to fight. I don’t want to go in circles. We got the care that Arwen needs.”

“We did.”

“And all I wanted to know is if you’re happy with how it went.”

“I am,” she answers, and slowly, her jaw relaxes. “I just feel like I have to be on the defensive with you.”

I squeeze her wrist. “I understand, but don’t feel like that. I don’t want to work against you. I want to work with you.”