“Am I wrong?” I snap. “You fucked our friend, and now you’re making moves on this asshole.”
Jessie might say something, but I don’t think either of us hears him. Her eyes meet mine, and they’re swimming in tears. “No moves were made, Thatcher. None.”
“What I saw tells me differently.”
She throws her hands up. “I don’t even know why you care. You didn’t make a move until last night. Why does it matter what I did before then?”
“Because…” My words fade away before I put even more of myself out there. “I gave you everything last night,” I say, my voice horse. “And this is how I find you?”
“Yes, working. And gave me what? Dick? Apparently that’s all I’m good for, huh?”
She’s shutting down. I can see it all over her face. “I guess so.”
“I can’t believe you.”
I run my hands down my face, not even believing myself, really. With a groan, I say, “I fucked you without a condom. I better not come up with something.”
“Get fucked. You know I’m clean,” she sneers at me, and a tear spills over. It cuts me deep as I watch her shake her head. “Thatty, it isn’t?—”
I don’t want to hear my nickname on her lips. I don’t want to hear anything from her. How dare she? I know we didn’t hash things out, but I gave her my whole-ass soul last night. Out of my mind with jealousy and fury, I snap, “And your ass better not get pregnant. If so, you better have proof it’s mine since you love to whore yourself around to the whole fucking team. I’ll need cold hard evidence it’s mine.”
“Oh, trust and believe, that’ll never happen,” she shoots back, grabbing her backpack. “You’ll never see me again.”
“I’m sure I will—with a teammate or two.”
Another tear falls. Our eyes lock, and I feel smaller than ever. I lean on the table, trying to take some weight off my knee. My chest is tight, and I’m vibrating with not only anger but also pain.
She steps up to me, the toe of her sneakers brushing mine. “There is only one person I’ve ever wanted, and it’s you. But now that I know what you really think of me, I have only one thing to say to you?—”
“Save it. I don’t want to hear it.”
Her eyes burn into mine before another tear rolls over the apple of her cheek. Her face is so red, her eyes so full of hurt that I can’t even look her in the eye. I’m such a dick. I can barely catch my breath. “Audrina?—”
But she moves past me, stomping out of the room.
Out of my life.
I thought I could apologize, make it better, but she wasn’t home when I got there. Her bags were packed, and I knew she’d gone to her mom’s. I figured I’d give her—and myself—time to cool down before I tried to talk to her.
But I never got the chance.
Even though I put up a bit of resistance about Arwen being up here alone with Thatcher, I knew they’d be okay. I assumed he put on the TV and they’d watch a movie or something, but as he’s been doing since he arrived, he’s surprised me once more. I walked in to find them coloringand signing with each other like they’ve known each other their whole lives. It is so beautiful to see, and the open wound of my chest throbs at the sight. I’m sure he assumes I tried to hide him from her, but I did the opposite.
I knew I would go back, but with each day that passed, it was harder to face the truth. It has been just Arwen and me, and things have been good for us. In all things but her ears, and I had already said I’d make a plan. Maybe my plan would have been to finally head home, or maybe I’m thinking that way because Ruby and Thatcher are right. There is nothing here for Arwen and me. She needs more, better care, and I can’t deny that. I just wish he weren’t here to witness it all. Now he’ll think if I go back, I’m going back for him, and that’s not the case at all.
It would be for Arwen.
I swallow hard, my throat feeling like it’s closing as I cut up Arwen’s pancakes. Beside me, she signs quickly.We colored, and I showed Daddy my photo album. Then we called Auntie Ingrid.
The knife falls from my hand as I whip my head to her father. “What?”
Thatcher doesn’t seem the least bit remorseful. He only shrugs. “She seems super excited about her, so I called her.”
I can only gawk at him. “What did Ingrid say?”
“She cried,” he says bluntly, holding my gaze. “She was in shock, and she wants you two to come home.”