“I was asleep. I thought…”
“I’m sorry.”
“No, it’s okay. You told me, and it didn’t click. But it’s okay.” She turns and heads inside, and I can tell how worried she was by the death grip she has on her son. Following her into the kitchen, I place the food on the counter. “Wow, you got a lot.”
“I didn’t know what you wanted, and Bentley wanted almost everything on the menu.” I chuckle.
“You can put me down now,” Bentley tells her. When he’s back on his feet, he climbs onto a chair and opens the bags, pulling out the pancakes followed by hash browns.
My phone buzzes, and I look at it. Posie offers me a small smile. “We can’t stay here forever,” she says.
Last night, we discussed tracking Bobbi down. Now that we know his whereabouts, the plan is in full swing. Eli is currentlywaiting outside the pub where Bobbi and his two goons are staying.
“I have to go,” I tell them. Her gaze meets mine, and she looks at me with sad eyes. Which is so unlike her; this woman is strong. “I’ll be back,” I promise as she wraps her arms around my midsection.
“Thank you,” she says before she pulls away. “I’ll see you later.” She turns back to Bentley. I give him a little wave as I leave. I hope this time, when I come back, she hasn’t run.
Ihate that Dutton is so thoughtful. That this man, who is a known killer, and possibly even worse, is kind to me. That he shows me how I should be treated. And he and his family have been kind to Bentley. I never thought of bringing a man into Bentley’s life. Yet Dutton has slid straight in without an invitation, and he did it so effortlessly.
He started as my boss, and now he sleeps in my bed.
“School today?” Bentley asks, his voice hopeful. I’ve kept him out for a few days while we sorted out a plan of action. That, and I don’t want him out of my sight until Bobbi is taken care of. But now that he is, I don’t see why Bentley can’t go. I don’t want to hit pause on our life because of Bobbi anymore.
“Go and get changed, and let’s go to school.”
He jumps up and rushes to his room to get ready. I follow him, go into my room to get dressed, and pack his backpack. When I drop him off at school, he runs off excitedly to play with his friends.
When I arrive back at home, the car Hawke and Ford have been sitting in is gone, most likely because they’ve already caught the assholes involved in this.
I sit in the car and stare at the house for a moment. I’m exhausted, and it’s going to be hard to focus today, knowing what’s happening. I check my phone, noticing I have a missed call from Dutton. When I go to return it, a motorcycle parks behind my car.
I grip my steering wheel. In true Bobbi fashion, he’s somehow managed to avoid Dutton and the others, most likely at the sacrifice of his men.
I quickly call Dutton.
“Bobbi is here,” I rush to tell him. And while I want to handle this situation myself, it’s nice to know someone has my back. Because I know things with Bobbi are about to get ugly. But without my son being here and knowing nothing can happen to him, my fighting instincts are coming out in full force.
“Fuck,” Dutton curses from the other end of the line. “We only got his men; Bobbi slipped out somehow. Where are you?” he asks, and I can hear tires squeal, telling me he’s on his way to me.
“In my driveway.”
“Good. I’m almost there. Back the car out now and leave.”
“He’s parked behind the car,” I tell him.
“Run him over,” he barks as if that was the obvious answer. Shaking my head, I know I can’t do that because of the big-ass motorcycle that my sad tires won’t get over. So I put the car in park and open the door. I’m sick of running.
And I feel the fire spark to life in the pit of my stomach.
Dutton says something else, but I hang up on him. Knowing he’s on his way is enough for me as I come face-to-face with Bobbi.
“Avoiding me?” he asks. I shut the car door and turn to face him.
“Like any human with a brain would do,” I snap back.