Bobbi Harley.
Yes, his last name is ironic, considering he’s part of a motorcycle club.
His picture comes up straight away. I cringe at the sight of him, trying to calm my heart and remind myself that he won’t know if I look him up. I can’t believe I loved this man and put my life on hold for him.
Sighing, I open his page and then start scrolling through it. I find pictures of him with another woman. Zooming in on one image, I realize I recognize her. She’s one of the women he told me not to worry about when we first got together.
Jokes on me, though, right? Because he was fucking her behind my back the whole time.
Scrolling down farther, I see a picture of them together, his hand on her round belly as she holds up an ultrasound picture.
I want to vomit.
Looking at the date, I pause. That can’t be right. Can it?
It’s from four years ago. So after he gave me money and told me to fix the problem, he knocked up someone else.
Clicking on her profile, I see a picture of her with her son, and he’s wearing a little leather biker jacket.
What was so wrong with me that he chose to discard me like a piece of shit and have a baby with someone else?
Maybe I should have taken Dutton up on his offer to kill him.
Iwant to kill him. Make it so he can’t ever breathe again.
When I left Boston, I’d decided that when Bentley was old enough, if he wanted to know who his father was, I would help him find him. I just didn’t expect to find him now and so easily.
He always made me feel less than, and when I wouldn’t comply, he got physical.
I find it ironic that the man I’m currently fucking is entirely dominant. But I know without a doubt Dutton would never hurt me. He might disagree with my opinions, but he respects them because he respectsme.
I was too naïve back then to understand that the kind of love Bobbi offered me wasn’t enough. I was just so desperate for any love or affection after my parents died that I was stupidly easy to mold.
Will he try to find me now?
A weight drops in my stomach.
If Waylon tells him I’m in Manhattan, how long would it take him to find me?
And what would he do if he did find me?
Thoughts of moving pop into my mind. I definitely don’t want to do that. Not now that Bentley is in school and making friends. And I have a stable job that can get us on the right path.
Bobbi told me to fix the problem and come back; I chose to leave and never return. I changed my phone number and didn’t have any family he could contact to find out where I was. So it worked. I got a clean slate. But, right now, it doesn’t feel so clean of a break.
I hear a car pull up out front, and I slam my laptop shut as if being caught doing something I shouldn’t be.
Bentley runs out of his room, squealing in excitement.
“Hey, put some pants on!” I yell after him.
“Dutton is here!” he shouts. I laugh as I quickly usher him to get dressed.
I open the door and lean against the jamb expectantly.
“Did your boss say you could finish for the day?” Dutton asks smugly as he walks up the stairs and onto the porch.