Page 67 of Promiscuous Lies

“Please. Please. Dutton,” I beg.

“Tell me what you want,” he says with urgency as he grunts.

“You,” I whisper without thought.

“Fuck!” he shouts as he breaks. This carefully put-together man comes apart inside me as he jerks and then rests his head on my shoulder. I buck under him, seeing stars as I orgasm and squirt all over his cock and the counter.

I can’t breathe. I try to calm my shaky breaths as I cradle his head to my shoulder, shuddering around him as he jerks inside me again. Heavy panting slowly begins to fall into slow, rhythmic breaths as he leans back and looks at me, that intensity ever blazing in his eyes.

I’m startled when he gently cups my jaw and kisses me. It’s slow and sensual, as if he’s thanking me.

I melt into him, caught off guard by how something so raw and feral can turn into something so… sweet and endearing. I don’t even know what we were arguing about before or how it led to now.

My legs stop shaking as he pulls away, and the moment his lips part from mine, I want to pull him back to me, but the reality of how long we might’ve been gone sinks in.

He’s quick to tuck himself away as I adjust my dress. I look at the mess we made, unsure what to do. He chuckles as he grabs a hand towel. “Let me.”

I scrunch my nose up, shocked by what we just did. “That’s kind of gross.”

“I don’t mind you walking around with my cum dripping down your legs, Posie.”

“Clean it,” I deadpan, and he chuckles.

As he does so obediently, I watch him, wanting him over again. The urgency of it has become increasingly apparent the more time we spend together. And that’s concerning because, somehow, this man with a heart of ice is getting into my bloodstream.

“I’m on birth control, by the way,” I inform him.

I’ve only been with one other man, and the night I fell pregnant with Bentley was because we were both so drunk that we’d forgotten to use protection. The nurse had told me the chances were slim to get pregnant so easily, but since then, I haven’t taken any chances.

“I don’t fuck women without condoms. Well, usually.”

“Are you fucking other women?” The question is out of my mouth before I even realize. I sounded… accusatory.

He raises an eyebrow but looks me dead in the eye. “You’re plenty enough to handle. And, no, I haven’t been with anyone else since you walked your tight ass into my club.”

I roll my eyes. “I doubt that.” Because men say shit to make women feel special. Until they get what they want, and they’re done with them.

He finishes cleaning my legs and then kisses me again. It’s hot and heavy and ever so demanding, just like before. Dutton breaks the kiss, and his gaze penetrates when it meets mine. “You are my only focus. So stop trying to push me away. And I swear to God, if you’re comparing me to other men…” he growls.

I shove him away. “Yeah, I get it. You’re going to carve messages into their chests. Well, ifIfind out you’re sleeping around, Imight be inclined to use my bat.”

“That sounds like a jealous girlfriend,” he says, following me to the door. I comb my fingers through my hair and then wipe the makeup smudged around my eyes. I’m red and raw all around my mouth, and it’s obvious what we’ve just been doing, but there’s no helping that.

I turn to him with my hand on the doorknob. “I never said I’d use the bat on the women.”

He chuckles as I open the door and re-enter the lively party. I search for Bentley, spotting him laughing at something Dawson and Honey are saying to him. I can see they’ve somehow found him a coloring book and pencils.

I begin making my way over to him, but Billie, who is dancing with a girlfriend, grabs my attention.

“Hey, did you want to dance?” she slurs, a little drunker than when we last spoke.

“I don’t dance,” I tell her, and Dutton coughs behind me.

“Oh, okay. Well, what about a drink?” She holds up her glass. “I also really want to escape… but family.” She gives me an eye roll.

“Hey, we’re not all bad!” says a woman with short blonde hair, blue eyes, and a curvaceous figure.

“Pssh. You’re the chosen ones,” Billie mumbles. “This is Ivy Walker. And the red-haired one is Hope Ivanov. And this sharpshooter here is Jewel Monti. But don’t draw too much attention to her, or Eli will come and steal her. It took me so long just to get her to stand here.”