When I return with a water and an orange juice for Bentley, she silently thanks me.
A waiter walks around with food, and Bentley tugs at her hand. She grabs one of the little burgers and then hands it to him. He immediately shoves it in his mouth, and my eyebrows shoot up, surprised by what appears to be an insatiable appetite.
“He’s hungry,” Posie says, looking around the room and past the people standing around and talking.
“Okay.” I approach the waiter and grab the whole tray from his hand. He seems confused until he notices who I am and awkwardly bows. Then his cheeks flush red when he realizes there was no need to bow, though I don’t dislike it. I put the platter on a nearby table and wave a hand to Posie and Bentley.
“Eat,” I order Bentley. The kid doesn’t waste any time before he climbs onto the chair and sits, grabbing the first mini burger.
“Thank you,” Posie says. She looks at me inquisitively now. “You haven’t been around kids much, have you?”
I’m searching for my sister and parents when I say, “I speak to children in the same manner I speak to adults. I don’t dumb down my vocabulary. If I do, how will they learn?”
She chuckles, and although I spot my sister, who is laughing at something one of her friends says, I can’t help but turn my gaze back to Posie. “What?” I ask, confused.
“I just wonder what type of kid you must’ve been or if you were always just a well-polished businessman.”
“Don’t you prefer calling me Frosty the Snowman?” I grumble.
“He read lots of books,” my father says as he appears beside us. Posie whips her head in his direction. “And had he not, I dare say Eli wouldn’t have been much rougher. Dutton was quiet, and many of the children were scared of him, especially if they tried to play with his sister, who he treated like his only friend.” He smiles warmly, then adds, “It’s lovely to see you here, Posie.”
He then leans in and kisses her on the cheek. My jaw tics, and I know I shouldn’t be jealous of my own father, but, fuck, I am. Everyone falls for his charm, and I’ve never cared about that magnetism he’s used on people over the years until now.
“Thank you for inviting us, Mr. Taylor,” she says, but I can tell by the way her throat constricts that she’s uncomfortable, especially as she places her hand on her son’s shoulder, as if in reassurance.
My father’s gaze lands on Bentley, but my sister abrasively cuts in before he can ask about him. Suddenly, I recall how overwhelming this family can be. My mother follows her, looping her elbow with my father’s.
“Wow, you actually came!” Billie yells as she throws herself at me. She’s already a little tipsy, and I immediately scan the area to see how many men are here. I see Hawke, Ford, Eli, and Jewel, and the moment they spot me, Hawke starts laughing. Most likely, knowing precisely what I’m thinking.
“Dutton, introduce me!” Billie demands, hands on hips as she looks at Posie. Before I can say anything, Billie throws herself onto Posie in a hug. “I’m Billie, the better of the siblings.”
Posie seems startled but awkwardly puts a hand on her back. “It’s lovely to meet you, and I can’t say I disagree.”
I pull my sister away, jealous that she’s allowed to hug Posie when I’m the one fucking her. But Posie has an issue with me touching her right now, so I’m not making exceptions for anyone else—except for her son.
“This is Posie. And the little man eating all the burgers here is her son, Bentley,” I tell the group.
“Hi!” Bentley says with a big smile, swinging his legs and looking entertained. Then again, it might have to do with the bigger-than-life tray of food he has all to himself.
“You have a son?” my father asks with a smile.
“I do,” Posie answers cautiously.
“Sons are the best,” my mother says, reaching for my arm and squeezing it before releasing it quickly. “I’m Honey, Dutton’s mother. It’s lovely to meet you. My goodness. You’re beautiful.”
A blush streaks over Posies cheeks. “I agree, sons are wonderful. I would be lost without Bentley,” Posie says, just as my father walks off. “Happy birthday,” she says to Billie, and despite the family ambush, she holds her own. “I’m sorry I didn’t get you a gift.”
“That’s okay. Dutton plans to give me his credit card so I can go shopping,” Billie says with a mischievous smile. If you and Bentley are free, we can go shopping together.” She taps her fingers together deviously. “I’m sure he irritates you as much as he does me, so every year, it’s become a tradition that I release that years’ worth of pent-up anger toward him by spending his money. Let’s just say I spenda lot.But then I always feel better and love my brother again afterward.”
Posie laughs as she says, “I think I’d be deserving of a house on the water at the very least.”
Billie brightens, encouraging her as I roll my eyes. “See, she gets it! And if you’re dating my brother, I assume he owes you more than just a house. What do you think, little man?”
“I’d like a boat,” Bentley says around a mouthful as he picks a bit of the meat out of the burger. Damn, even the kid’s ganging up on me.
“Since when?” Posie asks him.
“Since Dutton got me a LEGO Transformer boat,” he says innocently. My mother and sister look at me, and I can tell the moment my mother’s gaze softens that there’s something in it I don’t entirely understand.