“I don’t disagree with her,” Ford interjects.
Eli grits out, “Have you all been fucking listening?”
Ford looks up at him then. “You usually discuss business in your office. You were the one who decided to talk in here. We’re not to blame for your lack of discretion.”
My jaw clenches. The only reason we’re in here with them is because Eli refuses to let Jewel out of his sight, and Jewel has been inviting everyone over for more of these “gamer afternoons” to bring everyone together.
“It’s not a request. It’s a demand. Bring her to the party,” Billie says with a smile. “You were the one who taught me not to ask for permission or forgiveness. It can be part of my birthday present. I’m kind of curious about the woman who has my ice king of a brother pussy whipped.”
“I’m not pussy whipped,” I growl.
“No? Then it should be easy to invite her. It serves as a means to an end, doesn’t it?” she challenges, and I hate how much she understands how I think and work because I’ve used that exact same line on her numerous times.
“If she’s only someone you’re fucking, and there’s no attachment, I somewhat agree with your sister,” Eli adds.
A strange, twisted uncertainty torments me. We invited Striker in a show of good faith, bringing him into our home and including him in the celebration. I’m not so sure about Posie. Then again, what they’re saying makes sense. If I deny them,they’ll think I’m protecting her. But aren’t I? I don’t want to share her with them. Am I passing up an opportunity to make sure that Posie isn’t a threat to my family if I refuse?
“I’m certain she’s not part of their antics or a threat,” I say to Eli, now that my sister’s dismissed herself, assuming she’ll get what she wants. And usually, I indulge her.
“But do you know that for certain? You thought she wasn’t connected to them, and then she went to Boston, and you lost your shit and put someone in the hospital.”
I pick up the whiskey, and another thought comes to mind. What would my mother think of Posie? I don’t know why I consider that. It shouldn’t matter, should it?
Posie made it very clear last night that fucking is all she wants from me. But sometimes, my mother sees things in a light that I can’t. I’m too cynical, so perhaps she’ll be able to provide insight as to why this woman is so easily tormenting my every waking moment.
“Perhaps I’ll bring her for a few hours, but if she’s innocent and things go awry, I’ll intervene.”
Eli raises his scarred eyebrow. “How interesting that you have the urge to protect someone outside your family. Just don’t ruin this deal for me.”
Dutton: You still owe me a date. Today.
Iwant to ignore it, but I know Dutton has the tendency to do whatever the fuck he wants, and him rocking up to my door uninvited is a very real possibility, even though I just saw him two nights ago.
I stare at the message, confused, before I press call, and his voice comes over the phone.
“A date?” I ask just as he says, “Well, hello.”
“Don’t hello me. Why are you asking me on a date? This is supposed to be sex only. Why are you trying to change things?”
“I never said it was only sex. And you still owe me a date.”
“We can skip the formalities since we’re only fucking,” I say matter-of-factly, peeking around the corner of my living room to make sure Bentley can’t hear me.
He sighs. “They know about you… my family, that is. Now my sister insists you attend her birthday party, and I’m not usually able to say no to her.”
“I don’t give a flying fuck about your sister complex. I hate people; it’s why I have no friends,” I tell him.
“That’s good. I hate people, too. But not you,” he replies. “But you do still technically owe me a date. Remember that little deal we made when you took the new job?”
Motherfucker. I didn’t think he was serious about it or that he’d want to follow through, especially now that we’re fucking. That’s all this is, isn’t it?
“People who only have sex don’t meet family,” I say.
“My family is different. And I wouldn’t put it past them to invite themselves to your home if you don’t come.”