“Sorry. Do I know you? I didn’t know anyone else was here,” I say cautiously because I was supposed to be the only one in today.
“You’re in my son’s office. Does he know this?”
Ohhh. My eyes widen, and I stand from behind the desk, gathering my things and roping in my sassy attitude.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t know anyone would be coming in here. This office has the best internet connection, so I thought I’d work from here since he’s out.”
“And he allows that?” he asks.
I take a moment to really look at him. While he looks a lot like Dutton, with high cheekbones, eyes that seem to stare straight through me, and dressed impeccably, he also gives off a warmer vibe than his son. Dutton is cold, even when his head is between my legs. And that’s saying something.
I want to slap myself. I have to stop thinking about that night. It happened over a month ago.
“Yes. I received his permission while he was in Italy. He’s not here today if you’re looking for him.”
“He told you where he was? Interesting.” His expression turns thoughtful. “You don’t have to leave on my account.” He waves at my belongings as he takes a seat on the other side of the desk. The chair looks far too small for his bulky frame. Much like his son, he has an aura around him that seems to suck in everything and anything within its reach.
I stare at him in confusion. He crosses one leg over the other and leans back. “And your name?”
Okay then… I start putting my things back down and sit across from him.
“Posie.” I offer him a smile.
“And what is it exactly that you do here?” he asks his gaze just as penetrating as his son’s.
“I do admin and handle the social media accounts,” I tell him.
“And your relationship with my son?” My hand freezes on the piece of paper I was about to pick up. His gaze flicks to it quickly before focusing on my face again. I don’t like how much he notices; he’s just like his son in that way. Notices fucking everything.
“Yes, what is it?” he asks.
I hear a loud noise coming from outside the room, and my gaze darts to the open door.
“He’s my boss,” I reply, returning my attention to him.
“That’s good to know,” he says, standing again.
We both turn at the sound of footsteps stopping at the door to find Dutton standing there. Comparatively, Dutton is slightly taller and more muscled than his father. I can tell where Dutton gets his immaculate taste in clothing from now.
“Son, you kept me waiting.”
“I wasn’t aware we had an appointment.” Dutton gives me a quick glance. His father notices, and a slight tug of his lips indicates he sees more than he lets on. “You weren’t meant to be in today,” Dutton says, and I realize he’s talking to me.
“Yes, sorry. I had to finalize a post and was just getting ready to leave.” I finish grabbing the papers and look back at Dutton’s father. “It was nice to meet you.”
“Likewise. I’m sure I’ll see you again.” He gives me a warm smile, and Dutton seems wildly pissed, his gaze narrowing on his father. A palpable tension fills the room, and I decide it’s best to ignore whatever is going on with these two. I walk past his father, but when I reach the door, Dutton hasn’t moved to let me pass. His cold eyes look down on me, and I don’t understand why he looks pissed. I’m not sure if it’s directed at me or his father. He steps to the side wordlessly.
Well, okay then.
Finally escaping the suffocating energy in Dutton’s office, I find Paula walking in. She smiles at me, and I give her a wave.
“I’m just heading out. Also, Dutton’s father is here,” I inform her, pointing a thumb over my shoulder. “Tension is high in there, so I’d avoid the room.”
Her eyes go wide. “Strange. He never comes here, but thank you for the heads-up. From what I heard, Dutton has a goodrelationship with his family. “Oh well, not our problem,” she says with a casual shrug.
I head to the back of the room to collect the rest of my things as Paula takes a call. She curses under her breath, and I look over at her worriedly.