Page 53 of Promiscuous Lies

We eat in silence, and I’m thankful Bentley doesn’t ask any more questions. Taking our plates to the sink, I start to wash them when there’s another knock at the door. Bentley runs to it, and that immediate fear spikes again as I call out and chase after him. When he pulls the door open, Dutton stands there, holding a bag in his hand. I narrow my gaze on the insufferable man who can’t take a hint.

“Ice cream,” Dutton says to Bentley.

“Oh, I love ice cream.” Bentley reaches for it, but I grab it before he can, shooting an accusing glare at Dutton.

“Dessert,” Dutton reiterates as if I’m the one being unreasonable.

“Bentley is allergic to nuts. Did you check if there are nuts in this?” I ask, making a point because he knows nothing about me or my son.

“Yeah, I could die,” Bentley adds, and Dutton’s blue gaze flicks to him.

“Well, that got dark really quick.”

I sigh as Bentley gives me puppy dog eyes. Opening the bag, I see Dutton grabbed five different tubs of ice cream. One hasnuts, made evident by its name, so I scan the ingredients of the others.

“You can have this one.” I pull the tub out of the bag and hand it to Bentley. “What do you say?”

Bentley looks to Dutton. “Thank you. Want to come in and watchTransformers?”

“No,” I say at the same time that Dutton says, “Yes.” I glare at Dutton, but Bentley is already running off to get a spoon.

“Anything you’re allergic to that I should be aware of?” Dutton asks.

“Overbearing assholes.”

“Last time I checked, you rather enjoy choking on those.”

Heat rises up my neck. The nerve of this man. “Why are you still here?”

“For dessert,” he states, and I know he’s not talking about what’s in my hand.

“I can’t, not tonight. And I don’t bring men around, my son.”

“Where is his father?”

“Dead for all I care,” I say nonchalantly. He raises a brow at my words and then nods. Oh my fucking God, this man might be learning social cues and how to take a hint.

“Tomorrow night?” he asks.

“No, I have no one to watch him.” He looks past me but can’t see Bentley.

“You really are his mother.”

I roll my eyes. “Yes, I am. And I would like it if you leave.”

“I’ll leave when you tell me when I can have you again.” I put the bag on the floor and swap it for the bat. “There she is.” He winks.

“You really want this shoved up your ass, don’t you?” I whisper-shout, hoping Bentley won’t hear. But I know he’s most likely already glued to the TV.

“Have a good night, Posie,” Dutton says with a smirk as he turns to leave.



Iwork from home that week, and two deliveries come. Both are desserts that have no nuts in them.

A text comes after the second delivery.