“You don’t need to see this,” she groans. “It’s disgusting. I’m so fucking ashamed.” She sobs and starts crying as another wave hits and she pukes again.
I pull her hair back with one hand and rub her back with the other. “I’ve got you. Just let it out, angel.”
She hiccups as she sobs harder and turns her head towards me. Her dull brown eyes meet mine. “I’m not an angel,” she whispers brokenly.
I don’t say anything as I gently push her so she is sitting up and flush the toilet. “Think that’s it?”
She nods as tears trail down her cheeks. I stand and grab her under her arms to lift her. Then I start undressing, and I hear her sharp intake as she looks me over.
“Jackson,” she sobs. Her fingers lightly run over my stitches as she looks over my body. I have a few bruises forming and a small section of road rash on my calf. I look over at the mirror and see a slight cut on my cheek and a bruise forming around it.
I finish undressing quickly as she stands there, frozen. When I’m done, I reach forward and take off the hoodie she had on. My hoodie. Then her leggings go next.
As I pull her panties down, she meets my eyes again. All I see is pain and sorrow in them. Worse than the day in the hospital. It’s like she wasn’t ready to let herself really feel it then, and now it’s all here. And I left her alone. Yesterday, I went to church for four hours, and this morning I left for a ride and didn’t come straight here after the accident.
Did my leaving for just those small amounts make her walls crumble? I can’t help but wonder if this is my fault.
I walk over to the walk-in shower with just enough room for two and turn it on, keeping my hand under the water until it is ready. Then I pull Presley in first and step in after her. I situate us so she is under the spray. I tip her head back and get her hair wet before washing it with the stuff in here. It isn’t her normal, but it will have to do. We both need to wash today off ourselves.
Her eyes meet mine again, and they are slightly clearer than they have been since we got here, the ache in my chest lightens as I feel like I can breathe a little better. Just seeing the smallest bit of light come back into her eyes is enough to remind me that she will be okay. We all will be.
She takes the body wash off the shelf and puts some in her hands before rubbing it into my skin. The feel of her tiny hands rubbing all over immediately brings my cock to attention. It doesn’t really give me a choice. Most of the time, even looking at my angel makes me rock fucking hard.
Her delicate fingers skim my cock, and I suck in a breath. She tilts her head up, a tiny smile playing on her lips.
I shake my head as she grips my cock harder and tugs slightly. “You’re drunk.”
“My head is clear enough.”
“We need to talk, Presley.”
“Not right this second, we don’t.” She drops to her knees. It probably makes me a bastard, but the second her hot, wet mouth touches me, I don’t care anymore. I wrap my fingers in her hair and pull her head back. She looks at me with lust-filled eyes, her cheeks flushed.
“Fuck my mouth, Jackson.”
My heart races. “You don’t know what you’re saying.”
She raises a brow at me. “Rutabaga. Now fuck my mouth, Jackson,” she says with more command in her voice than I have ever heard from her before. My other hand reaches down and plugs her nose so her mouth pops open and I shove my cock in, pushing until the tip reaches the back of her throat and she gags slightly.
I release her nose. “Breathe through it.” Then I pull out and thrust straight back in, barely giving her a chance to breathe.
Her hands fly up and grip my thighs, but she doesn’t tap or try to shove me away. She runs her tongue over my piercing every time I pull out, making me groan. I roughly shove her head down onto my cock, holding her in place as I use her mouth. Fucking it hard. Taking out all the pent-up rage I have about everything that is happening lately on her delicate mouth.
The tears streaming down her face as she gags and gasps make my balls ache, and I finally release my load down the back of her throat with a loud groan and smack my hand against the tiled wall as my knees grow weak.
I loosen my grip on her hair and slide out of her mouth. Cum drips down her chin, but she scoops it up and licks it off her finger before swallowing. I bend down and lift her up, pushing her flush against the wall, caging her in as her legs wrap around my waist.
I drop my head to her shoulder and mumble, “I was too rough.”
Presley grabs my face in her hands and pulls it off her shoulder. As soon as she can see my eyes, she says, “You did what I asked you to, Jackson. Now, are you going to be a baby about it, or are you going to fuck me?”
Just like that, my cock is achingly hard again, and I am lining it up and slamming inside her, causing her to scream. “You grew a fucking attitude.”
She smirks at me, breathless. “You like it.”
I do. But not for the reason she thinks. I slap her ass hard as I thrust into her. “You were a brat yesterday.” Before she can answer, my lips descend on hers.
She kisses me back with just as much passion and anger as I am giving. I pull my hand back and slap her ass again. And again. I keep going, alternating each ass cheek as I pound her into the wall. Presley screams into my mouth as she clenches around me and digs her nails into my shoulders.