I head into the bathroom and grab a damp washcloth, then go back in to wipe the makeup off her face. She is half-asleep the whole time. After I’m done, I strip down and climb in the bed with her. It’s two in the morning, and I am fucking exhausted. I grab Presley and pull her back against me so I can spoon her. I push the hair out of her face and kiss the back of her neck.
“I really fucking want to punish your ass for this shit,” I whisper.
“Good boy,” she mumbles and pats my hand that is resting on her stomach.
What. The. Fuck.
It’s 5:30 a.m. and I am still fucking awake. I can’t sleep thinking about everything. Part of me wants to wake up Presley right now and make her talk to me. Why would she leave without telling me? Why did she get so drunk and then continue to drink? Why didn’t she immediately push that fucker off of her?
I know she has so much going on in her head, but I can’t help her if she won’t talk to me, but I also don’t know how to get her to talk to me. I don’t want to wake her because she needs to sleep this off so we can have a good, long conversation later, so instead I slowly get out of the bed, doing my best not to disturb Presley, and get dressed. Afterwards, I head downstairs and with no one down here to distract me, it just makes my thoughts keep spinning, so I decide to go for an early ride.
I know we’re supposed to be traveling with someone and not alone, but it’s early in the morning, and I don’t care. I will be fine. I run back upstairs and grab a second gun to put in my ankle holster. So now I have one strapped to my chest and one on my ankle, along with two knives.
I head out, the prospect at the gate letting me out without saying shit, but I see him raise a brow at me, which I ignore.
I ride for about an hour before I start to feel a little bit looser. My body doesn’t feel as tense, and I hopefully might be able to get some sleep before Presley wakes up. I turn onto main street, which is where the bike shop is and a bunch of other shops on both sides of the street. As I drive by the shop, I see a car idling outside of it with their lights off, but the car is running. I can barely see someone sitting in the driver's seat. Someone else walks out from the alleyway next to the shop, and their hood is up so I can’t see their face.
I slow to pull up behind them, but he glances up and then runs straight to the car, jumping in the car as it takes off, so I do the same. Soon, I’m right up behind them.
I call Nerds through my Bluetooth. Luckily, the guy is horrible at taking breaks from working and is almost always in his tech room. He answers right away.
I yell the license plate number the second he answers. “Black SUV with all tinted windows. I can’t see inside at all. Looks like two people. There could be more in the back. They just turned off main street onto the road that leads you out of town towards the freeway, and they’re stepping on it. We’re going almost 90.”
“Shit. Alright, alright, I’m looking them up and trying to find them on street cameras. Stay behind them but be careful, Axe. Who is with you?”
Fuck. “No one is. I just went out for a quick ride and was driving past the shop when I saw them. They were fucking with something in the alleyway at the shop.”
“Shit, Axe! We literally just talked about this shit.” I hear rustling around before Nerds yells out, making me wince from how loud it is in my ear. Fucker couldn’t even move the phone away from his mouth. “Get the fuck up!” There is banging and then other voices. I hear Nerds filling in the others.
“Axe? What the fuck is going on?” Rage demands.
“I’m sure you can hear Nerds right now. You know.”
“Not what I’m asking. Why the fuck would you leave without someone?”
“Do we really have to do this right now?” A second car gets up behind me, completely blocking me in between the two cars. “Oh shit, fuck, shit!”
“Axe! What’s going on? Fall back! Stop following them. It isn’t worth it.”
“I can’t! A second car is now behind me, blocking me in between the two cars. I can’t get around them.” My adrenaline picks up as I block out whatever Rage is yelling in my ear and focus fully on these two cars.
We are on an isolated road that leads into another town where you have access to the freeway. It’s a two-lane road, and there is no one coming from the other side, but there is also a curve coming up that creates a blind spot. I could try to go around these two cars, but I have no idea if they will try to side swipe me or shoot me.
The car behind me gets in closer, so I am wedged between the two cars. As discreetly as possible, I remove a hand from the handlebars and reach into my jacket, pulling out my gun.
I take a breath, centering myself before turning slightly and pointing the gun behind me. I can’t shoot out the tires on the car in front of me yet. I am too close behind them, but I can try for the car behind me. Keeping one hand on the handle, I reach the other one across my body and aim. Pulling the trigger in quick succession, hoping I hit a tire.
The sound of squealing and spinning sends a triumphant grin onto my face. Fuck yes. I hear gunshots and immediately try to duck down a little, covering most of my body. I brake so I am not so close to the car in front of me, but we are still flying down this road at almost 90 miles per hour, so when they rapidly turn and stomp on their brakes trying to block my path, my bike swerves and slides sideways. I brace myself and as soon as I feel my leg hitting the road, I tuck and roll, letting go of the bike.
Luckily, I’m able to roll into the ditch and have minimal road burn. My body aches, but I force myself up onto my feet, ripping my helmet from my head and running farther off the road into the trees. I hide behind one as I hear voices yelling at each other and working their way towards where I landed.
“He’s a goddamn pussy ass biker. Don’t lose him. It’ll make us look bad.”
“Do we have to bring him back or can we just kill him?”
“No! Don’t. Don’t even take a risk that could kill him. Boss wants him for someone. I have no idea why, but we need him on our side. Apparently, he gets us out of shit all the time, and he could easily take us down if we fucked up.”
Ben? They have to be talking about Ben. I wonder if these guys are a part of the gang that Nerds was talking about. That explains why he’s working with them. Keep a gang in your pocket to do your dirty work. Smart.