“Presley is worried about her. She is also worried about how Raven will even feel when she comes back,” I say.

“Have you had any luck finding her a therapist? That could help her work through those thoughts, since it’s not like any of us can help with that.” Rage frowns.

“Actually, I wanted to bring that up,” Nerds says. He opens up his computer that he brought with him and a minute later, he flips it around to face me.

“Who is that?” On the screen is a photo of an older lady. Probably mid to late sixties with gray hair and wrinkles around her mouth and eyes like she has spent most of her life smiling.

“This is the person who she saw years and years ago. When you told us last week that you needed some help finding someone who would not only work for her but be able to handle everything involving us so we don’t have to lie too much, I remembered seeing her when I did my deep dive on Ben and Presley’s families. From what it looks like, Pres went four times, and I may have hacked their system and skimmed chart notes. They were getting on really well. Maybe she would be interested? She still works. She has her own office about thirty minutes from here.”

“Will you text me her information? I’ll talk to Presley about it.”

Nerds nods and gets to it.

About an hour later, we wrap up church after finishing going over the plans for the charity ride we’re having next week. Presley can’t ride, which I know she is going to be upset about, but the boys can’t ride either, so we will have them take a truck together behind us so they at least get to come.

I leave the meeting room and head upstairs to my room to find Presley. I find her curled up on the bed watching a movie. After stripping down, I climb in next to her.

I kiss her forehead and murmur, “I need to talk to you about something real quick.”

“Okay.” She grabs the remote and pauses the TV. “Oh! Before I forget, I talked to Agnes on the phone a bit ago. She is going to let the people staying in the house rent it for another six months. She is staying with a friend from her support group tonight, but I think she wants to go back to Montana.”

Why would she want to go back? She literally just came back and has barely been here.

“Jackson, don’t make that face.” Presley snickers as she pats my chest. “She is living her best life. It seems like she really loved Montana and the women she met there. Don’t frown about it. You should be happy for her.”

“I am happy for her. I just prefer it when she is near. I miss her, and I prefer to be able to keep an eye on her. What if something happens?”

“Really?” She raises a brow at me. “This is your mother you are talking about. You are kind of being ridiculous. You need to support her with this.”

I sigh and run a hand through my hair. “Okay, I get it. I can try to deal with it, but I don’t love it.”

Presley nods and then rolls to her side, so she is facing me fully. She stares down as she takes my hand and intertwines our fingers together. Never looking away from our hands, she says, “I think… I think it is time to tell everyone. I want your mom to know before she decides anything. Although I still want her to go, she deserves to go have fun so we should encourage her. But I want everyone to know. Part of me wanted to wait as long as possible, but every day that I am here without horrible things happening, I feel more and more at home. I feel safe and happy. Loved. I want to celebrate this with everyone and enjoy every single moment of it.”

My free hand grabs her chin and pulls her face back up to look at me. I search her eyes before speaking. “Are you sure? Angel, you don’t need to feel any pressure. We can take all the time you need.” Some people know she is pregnant, but not everyone. My mama doesn’t know or Carly or most of the members. Just ranking officers.

She smiles softly at me. “I’m sure. They are my family. I want to do this with them. I want them to be able to be there when I hit lows and be there when I celebrate the highs. I’ve never had a big family before, but now I’ve found one, and I can’t wait to see them all with the baby.”

“They will be clueless idiots, and it will be the greatest reality show you have ever seen,” I say.

Presley laughs and cuddles up to me. “What did you want to talk about?”

“Nerds might have found you a therapist, but I am not sure how you feel about it.”

“Oh?” She glances up at me from where her head was on my chest. I grab my phone from the nightstand and bring up the picture, showing it to her. She sucks in a breath and takes the phone from me, sitting up in the bed. She has on one of my t-shirts and she looks fucking perfect in it.

“How—” Her voice cracks, and she clears her throat before trying again. “How did he find her?” she asks in a whisper.

“He’s Nerds, angel. He can find pretty much anything.”

“She’ll see me again?” She finally looks up from the photo and meets my eyes. Hers are filled with tears and so much hope.

“We haven’t talked to her yet. You have to decide if that is something you want.”

“Yes.” She nods frantically. “I want it.” She drops my phone and climbs on top of me, straddling my stomach. Leaning down, she gives me a quick kiss. “Thank you.”

“I didn’t do anything,” I say, slightly confused on why she would thank me.

“Thank you for giving me everything. You have done everything, Jackson. Everything.”