The sun is setting now, so there is just a low glow to light up the area.

I’ve been sitting up here for a few hours now after having finished with the last guy. A part of me is glad those fuckers can’t breathe again. Especially when Jana can’t anymore.

But it also didn’t solve anything. My sister, my other half, is gone.

How will I ever be good again? I can’t be a decent human being when the good half of me is dead. I didn’t stop it. I wasn’t there to make sure nothing happened to her. It’s a cruel punishment. Now that I have brutally murdered three people, I will be no better than anyone in the club. I might as well accept my role. Fuck trying to make the club better, like Rage wants.

He wants to take down his father, but that won’t happen. So I might as well embrace this new me. The heart that kept me good is dead, after all.

I grab my phone from where it rests next to me and turn it back on. The second it does, it’s flooded with messages and missed calls. I ignore them and drop a location pin to Rage and wait.

Time for them to meet the new Jackson.

“What happened when they got there?” Presley asks, her voice soft yet concerned.

Her question makes me realize I stopped talking and went silent. I look over at her and meet her eyes. They are shining with tears, but all I see is affection. Love. No fear. No hatred for hurting those boys. Nothing but love.

I inhale, keeping the emotions threatening to surface at bay. “Rage showed up with the guys and his father, Killer. He said that Killer was with them when I sent the text, so that’s why he was there. Otherwise, Rage would have kept his dad away for as long as possible. Killer was pissed at first. He stood outside, staring up at me where I was sitting on the roof still and cussed me out for disappearing for days. When he asked what the hell I was doing at the abandoned warehouse, I told him to go inside.”

I remember telling him to go in and if that didn’t calm him down, I would be more than happy to introduce him to my new best friend. But I don’t tell Presley that.

“I went back inside and downstairs. They were all standing around, shocked. Killer was the first to turn that shock into a grin. He looked at me as I walked down the stairs, with the bloody axe still in my hand, and his grin only grew bigger.”

“Well Axe, looks like you finally did something worthy.”

Rage growled behind him, “You can’t be serious. He is in fucking shock. He just lost his twin sister. Don’t call him Axe and make him relive this day every single time someone says his name.”

Killer doesn’t respond; he just smirks. My grip on the axe tightens. Maybe I could just go straight for him. We could burn him down with the other bodies and piece of shit warehouse. We already want him gone. He is a horrid President.

Killer glances at me one last time before turning back towards Rage. “Get him on board with it quickly. And clean this shit up,” he calls as he walks out the door and leaves.

The axe releases from my hand that instant and hits the wall right next to where Killer had just been.

So much for just planning to work with him now. I fucking hate his face.But that doesn’t mean I will ever be the old me again.

“Jackson,” Rage says cautiously.

“It’s Axe now,” I snap.

He nods. “Yeah. I’m sorry about that. I wish it wasn’t, but the second my father is gone, we will change it.”

“Or you can embrace it,” Stone says, stepping forward.

Rage whips his head towards him and sends him a glare.

Stone adds, “Look, you just lost your sister. You will never get her back. She’s gone. I have no idea what it is like to lose someone. I don’t want to ever experience that. I can only imagine what I would do if I lost you. So embrace it. Become Axe. Not the one that Killer thinks he’s going to get, but the one your sister would want you to be. You can still have compassion, but you are going to be harder now. You have never killed before, like the rest of us. Toughen up and accept it. Just don’t lose yourself in the way that Killer will want you to.”

“Let us help you.” Rage picks up where Stone stopped.

My shoulders slump and I glance around the blood-covered, dirty warehouse. All the adrenaline from the last four days leaves my body. I killed the fuckers who hurt my sister, but my sister is still gone.

“My sister is dead.”

They nod.

“I killed three people.”

Again, they nod, allowing me this time to come to terms with things.