Rage watches me for a second before he glances at Jackson. “Vance wants to meet with you,” Jackson explains.
I tense but try to keep my breathing even. I can’t panic over every single thing they say to me. “Why?” I say slowly, trying to keep my voice even. “How would that help?”
Rage sighs. “We explained to him everything that happened. We told him that Ben is also working with cops as well as him. Which could cause a lot of problems because Ben knows things about Vance and his men, and he could easily tell the cops or make a deal with them.”
Jackson cuts in, “If he hasn’t already.”
My brows furrow as I think it over. “So, he doesn’t believe you?”
“I don’t think it’s that so much as it’s that he needs to be dead set in his decision. If he believes us, then Ben won’t just have us to worry about anymore. Vance will be after him as well.”
I bite my lip, then slowly nod. “I’ll do it.”
They both look at me with wide eyes. “Pres, you don’t have to do this. It isn’t going to be easy. He is going to try to intimidate you. He won’t hurt you. We wouldn’t let him, and he doesn’t hurt women, but he is going to want details about that day. Things you probably haven’t even told us.”
I inhale and let my mind work through the panic surfacing. The five steps.
I relax my muscles as much as I can and take Jackson’s hand, giving it a squeeze and meeting his eyes. Eyes filled with so much love and trust, it reassures me even more about my decision.
I look back over at Rage again, more determined this time. “I can do it.”
A little while later, we are standing in the main room, getting ready to meet Vance. Jackson, Rage, and Blade are coming in with me while Stone and a few others will be outside for extra protection. My heart is thudding in my chest, but I am able to keep myself calm as I watch all these men prepare. Sugar is staying here to watch over everything with Nerds in case anything happens here or goes down at the warehouse we’re going to.
Blade heads in my direction from across the room, his normal grin in place. He steps in front of me and holds his hand up, displaying two small knives. I look up at him and raise a brow.
He explains, “I know you can’t shoot a gun, so this is the next best thing. You hide one on you, and the other one stays somewhere with easy access. Presley, if a single one of them gets too close for comfort, you stab first and think later. Got it?”
My eyes mist over, and I nod. I take the smaller one that is folded up and put it in the pocket of my jacket. The second one I take and slide it into one of the ankle boots I have on that belong to Raven.
Blade nods in approval and walks away.
I have been waiting in the main room for a few minutes now while everyone else has been wandering around finishing getting ready before we have to leave in about ten minutes. A few minutes ago, Jackson kissed my forehead, then he disappeared down the hall towards the offices with Rage, Sugar, and Nerds.
When we first came in here, I apologized to anyone who was around for how I’d been acting the last two days. They all brushed me off and told me it was fine and they just want me to be okay. Ryker hugged me and whispered that he’d do it again any day I needed someone to listen to my drunk rambles. I know my face was bright red as he chuckled, and Grayson shook his head at his friend.
Finally, Jackson and the guys come back out from the hallway, and Jackson has a small smile on his face, his eyes shining as he walks towards me, a box in his hands. Everyone else stops what they’re doing to watch us, instantly making me nervous.
“Breathe, angel.” Jackson murmurs as he steps up to me. I take a shaky breath and focus on him. “This wasn’t when or how I wanted to do this, but I think it is important that you have this on today when we go to meet Vance.” He hands the box to Stone, who is standing closest to us, then pulls me into his arms. He kisses me softly before moving his mouth to my ear and whispering, “I love you so fucking much. You are my ol’ lady. My angel. My everything. You own my heart now.”
I inhale sharply and squeeze him tighter. He pulls back and searches my eyes before opening the box Stone is holding, pulling out a leather jacket. The front has a small patch that says ‘Presley’ and the back has the Sons of Silence symbol with ‘Property of Axe’ below it. A few tears slip free down my cheeks, but I quickly wipe them away.
“That’s for me?” It comes out more shaky than I was hoping for.
Jackson nods and holds it open. I take off the borrowed one I was wearing and slide my arms into it. Jackson’s eyes instantly light up with possessiveness. He grabs me and pulls me close again before devouring my mouth with his.
I have a split second of panic that we are surrounded by other people who are currently clapping and cheering, but as soon as his tongue touches mine, he is all I can focus on. He consumes me.
“I can’t wait until I can show you how fucking hot I think you look in that jacket,” he whispers only for me to hear.
A loud whistle pulls us out of our daze, and we look over at Rage.
He smiles, but his eyes are serious. “I am very fucking happy for you guys, and I really hate to ruin the moment, but we really do need to get going. Let’s get this over with.”
Everyone finishes getting ready after that and a few minutes later, we’re heading out the door. Jackson, Stone, and I take a truck while everyone else is on their bikes. When I asked why, Jackson said it’s for my protection and because Stone has his sniper rifle. “We can go for another ride soon, angel. I just have to get my other bike from the shop.”
I try not to let it show how excited that makes me, but based on his smile, he already knows. “Are you going to redo your bike? I know you spent a lot of time on it.” I feel guilty that his favorite bike is ruined. He told me he spent months and months making it perfect, and now the entire thing is gone.
“I don’t know yet. We’ll see. I might look into some other ones that have caught my eye.” He shrugs.