Rage nods. “They did. I think it was more of a thing they did so they could all have some of her. Since after she became an ol’ lady, she was considered off limits to show respect to that member.”

“That’s fucked up,” Nerds comments, his lips curling back in disgust.

“I agree. Which is why I want us to vote on how we want to proceed with this, because obviously continuing on with that same system is wrong. Even if we just ignore that part of it.”

“What if we don’t vote on it anymore? I think it could be brought up. Like before, y’all go claimin’ your ladies publicly. We discuss it in church and just make sure no one has any issues with that person, but we don’t vote. There shouldn’t be a vote on whether or not you can basically marry your woman.” Sugar says in a clipped tone.

He isn’t happy about all of this, but who would be? I already hate that I brought this up to Presley, not knowing what it entailed. And I know she is going to ask me about it later, so I will have to explain.

“Does anyone else have any other ideas they would like to toss in?” Rage asks.

No one speaks up, so Rage calls us all to vote on Sugar’s idea. When we vote, it is just a simple hand raise. Nothing more to it. It has to be unanimous. So if someone doesn’t raise their hand, they have to speak up and tell us why they are against it. To no surprise, everyone raises their hand.

You can feel the tension in the room from this news. I can’t believe none of us knew besides Rage. Some of us grew up around here. My dad was a part of the club from before I was born until he died about six years ago.

“Alright, so Axe has already claimed Presley. In the future, I ask that you bring it to the table earlier on so that we can make sure no one has any issues. But for Presley, I just want to make sure no one has any standing issues with her.”

“As if anyone could have an issue with her. Axe calls her a fucking angel because she’s too sweet for her own good,” Blade says.

I grin at that. Sheisan angel. My angel.

With that, we start wrapping up church. Rage reminds us of the charity event that will be happening in two months. I need to get started on making a route for us to ride after. I haven’t really had a chance to with everything else going on with Presley.

Once we are done, I grab my phone and head upstairs to find Presley. I want to talk to her about earlier when I left and make sure she isn’t overthinking it and getting upset with herself. I find her standing at the bar with two club sluts in front of her. Carly, who I am surprised to see. Somehow, I didn’t even realize it is Friday, which means she is here for the weekend, then she goes back for classes during the week at college, and Rachel, who is kind of a pain in the ass. I really hope she isn’t trying to cause shit with Presley. I will drag her ass out of here and she will never be allowed back.

Carly spots me first and raises a brow, which gets my ass in gear, and I walk over to where they are standing, wrapping an arm around Presley’s shoulders. “Hi, angel, everything alright?”

Her shoulders are tense as she glances up at me. I smile and kiss her forehead, and she slightly relaxes.

Rachel speaks up before Presley can say anything. “I was just getting to know our newest girl. Never seen her before.” Rachel gives Presley a cocky smirk.

Carly steps forward quicker than I can react and pushes Rachel away from us.

“Go! Get the fuck out of here! You can clean the bathrooms this weekend. And I mean every single fucking bathroom in this place. You were already told by Rage that she is an ol’ lady. Show her some respect or I will talk with Rage and get your ass booted.”

Rachel scowls at her. “Rage won’t boot me. And I am not cleaning any nasty bathrooms.”

“Yes, the fuck you are. Carly is in charge around here. You do what she says,” Rage calls from across the room as he walks out of the hall and towards us. Rachel tenses but tries to give him a sweet smile. “What the fuck are you waiting for? Go.” As she goes to walk by Rage, he grabs her arm and leans down to whisper loud enough for us all to hear, “Carly can 100% tell me to kick you out and I would. Don’t doubt her power.”

Rachel stomps off, and Carly’s cheeks turn pink.

“Thank you, Carly. I’m going to head upstairs with Pres. It’s nice to see you. Catch up later?” I ask.

“Of course.” She looks at Presley, “It was really nice to meet you. I can’t wait to get to know you more.”

Presley gives her a soft smile, and I pull her with me towards the stairs, watching as Rage walks up to Carly, her face flushed as she looks up at him and he gives her a genuine grin that he doesn’t give to anyone else.

When we get up to our room, Presley is even more tense than she was downstairs. “Presley?” I say as she walks over to the window, leaning against the side, staring outside.

“Did you sleep with her?” she whispers.

I run a hand through my hair and sigh before plopping down on the end of the bed. “Yes. But I have not laid a hand on anyone since the day I met you.”

She looks over her shoulder at me, her brows furrowing.

“What is it, angel? Whatever is going through your head, I need you to tell me. I can’t fix anything or reassure you if you keep everything inside. And nothing you say will be ridiculous. Just tell me what is going through your head. I want every thought.”

She turns away from the window and walks over to me. I sit back, looking up at her as she stands between my spread knees. Her hands come up to my cheeks, cupping them, tears glisten in her eyes.