Rage answers this time, “That’s just what it’s always been called. It’s just a meeting we hold where only patched members are allowed to attend. Actually, all patched members are required to attend. No one else is allowed, and we talk about all things club-related and make any decisions that need to be made.”

“So why do you have to bring me working here up?”

“The club owns this shop. Axe runs it, but he is a trusted club member. He is actually a ranking officer, and we voted that he would run it since custom bike jobs are his thing. We will ask about you after we run a background check on you.” Her body goes rigid in her seat and I know they both catch it. “It’s just a standard one, and we do it on everyone who comes onto club property and plans to stick around. No one will say no to you unless you have issues with someone in the club and they say no. Because the vote has to be unanimous.”

“Okay… So, I don’t know if this is rude or not, but um… Why?”

I blink at her, confused. “Why what, angel?” Fuck, that wasn’t supposed to slip out.

She gives me a funny look but doesn’t comment on the nickname, but Rage and Sugar both notice based on the smiles on their stupid faces.

“Oh, uh why-why the club? Like what’s the point, I guess? Why would people join?” She winces slightly, like she regrets asking.

“We are all outlaws in one way or another. We don’t fit inside of normal boxes you’d shove us in. Everyone comes from a unique background, and we live life differently. Every person who walks through our doors is welcome. It’s a family of misfits.” He shrugs as if it’s nothing, even though what he says is huge.

I was around when Rage’s dad, Killer, was around. He ran this club and did awful things. Nothing was legal. It didn’t matter how you treated others; women were used and abused. It was awful. The only reason I stuck around was because I was immediately given my father’s role when he died. I was close with Rage and Sugar back then, and Rage wanted to try to fix things. Call it fucked up, but we were very lucky that Killer died four years ago. Rage was able to take over and start rebuilding this club from the ground up. We still have a lot of work to do, but it’s worth it.

I watch as tears glisten in her eyes. “That’s amazing.” She gives a heartwarming, genuine smile that makes my heart beat a little faster. Fuck. “I grew up with a lot of high standards and certain… things weren’t accepted easily, so I love that you guys accept everyone.”

My heart pounds in my chest at her admission. Why do I want to know more? I want to ask her to explain what makes her a misfit. I want to fix the pain I see in her eyes and make her only ever smile and feel loved. I take a deep breath and attempt to shove those thoughts and feelings away for now.

We talk for a few more minutes before I walk Presley downstairs to her car. “So, can you be here at 7 a.m. on Monday? We don’t open until nine, but I’d like to be able to get two hours at least uninterrupted to run you through what the biggest problems are right now.”

“Okay. I can do that. Thank you again for this. It means so much to me. You know, offering a job to the girl having a breakdown out in the street.” She waves her hand around and gives a forced laugh.

I step in front of her and cup her cheeks, loving how they turn pink, and her eyes widen.

“We didn’t give you this job out of pity. What happened outside had nothing to do with it. We really do need someone, and maybe with you having a business degree, it will help.”

“Okay,” she whispers, staring straight into my eyes.

I stare right back, getting caught in her gaze. I don’t want to let her go. I want to move my hands lower and hold her, touch her, see all the places she turns pink and all the noises I bet she makes. Fuck. My cock is uncomfortable in my pants, trying to fucking burst through to get to her. The fucker needs to calm down.

I release her face, close my eyes, and exhale. When I open them again, I see her still watching me.

I step around her and open her door. “See you Monday.” She gets in her car, and I shut the door for her. If she doesn’t leave now, I’ll never let her go. I head back inside after watching her pull away and see Rage and Sugar standing in the waiting area, smirking. “Fuck off.” I roll my eyes at them.

“So, is this a new toy for you, or are you gonna be the first of our group to claim an ol’lady?” Rage asks.

I shrug. Even though the thought of her being mine, only mine, brings out something in me that makes me want to chase her down and lock her away. Fucking hell. I’ve never felt this before. I don’t plan to answer and just want to get back to work to distract my cock. I mean, my mind, from thinking about the angel I met today.

But of course, my mouth runs anyway. “I want it known to all you fuckers, she’s off-limits.” I hear their loud laughter as I walk out to the garage and slam the door behind me.

Two days later, we are getting ready to have church. We are having it early today because we have plans to deal with someone after church tonight. I am waiting in the main room at the club when the door bangs open, and the boys come in laughing and joking around. I smile as a burnt-out looking Blade comes in after them.

He sees me and plops down next to me on the couch.

I raise a brow. “You good, brother?”

He dramatically sighs, “Fuck no. When did I ever think it was a good idea to have custody of three fucking teenage boys? You know, Ryker got suspended today for cussing in class. At first, I was like, really? That’s extreme, but no, it’s not. Because the dumbass stood up and kept cussing. He hates the teacher, and apparently the teacher was being an ass to another student, so Ryker caused a scene. So I had to go sit at the school and listen to a lecture from the principal. I felt like I was still in high school. It’s all stupid ass bullshit. If I didn’t care about those boys, I’d throw them to the wolves so I could go live my life in peace.”

“I fucking hear you, asshole!” Ryker yells from the kitchen.

“Good! You’re a pain in the ass!” Blade yells back.

I try really hard not to laugh at him. Blade can be kind of dramatic, but I can see how this would all suck. He is only twenty-one, and he has custody of not only his younger brother but his brother’s two best friends as well. The poor guy gets run ragged between those three and his work as the club enforcer, and he also helps manage our nightclub. I don’t know how he does it all.

Rage comes in and yellschurch, so all members get up and head downstairs to the room we hold church in. We drop our phones with the prospect outside the door, since no phones are allowed. The room is basic, a long rectangle table in the center with enough seats for all of us. The club name is on the wall above the head of the table where Rage sits with Sugar, who is his VP to his right and Stone, the Sergeant At Arms to his left. My spot is right next to Stone as the Road Capitan. Blade sits next to Sugar since he is the Enforcer and Nerds, who is our treasurer/tech guru sits at the other head of the table with a large TV screen behind him in case we need to look at anything. The rest of the table fills up with all our patched brothers.