I feel her nod against my back. I start slowly, since we need to get out of the gate first, anyway. Once we reach the gate, the prospect, Daniel, opens it for us with a wave. As soon as I turn out onto the road, I take off, going much faster. I just faintly hear Presley squeal and laugh before holding on even tighter, if that’s even possible.

Since we still need to be cautious with Ben out there somewhere and it’s just us on this ride, even though I am armed, I still want to be careful. I plan to just take her on a quick route that goes up to a lookout before coming back. If she enjoys it, then I want to take her on a road trip one of these days after Ben is taken care of. Just the two of us on the open road.

I feel Presley raise her head off my back and look around as we head up higher on the hills, looking out at the lake and the trees surrounding it. From up here, you get to look down at the beautiful blue water. The sun shines down on it today, giving it a sparkle as we head towards the top. At the top, the road stops. There is parking and a few benches up here that you can sit on to look out at the view. I pull up by a bench and turn the bike off before putting my hand out to help Presley off.

Her legs wobble as she swings her leg over, so I grab her waist and hold her steady, bringing our faces an inch apart with me still sitting on the bike and her standing next to it, leaning into me.

“Beautiful,” I murmur as I look at her.

Her hair mostly stayed in place since it isn’t longer than her shoulders; the helmet is slightly too big for her tiny head but still looks adorable on her, and even in simple jeans and a t-shirt with a borrowed leather jacket, she looks fucking stunning. I don’t think I will ever tire of looking at her.

Her cheeks are flushed from the chilly wind, but I swear they turn even more red. “That was amazing. I didn’t expect to like it. I was scared at first when you took off outside the gate, but then as you kept going, it felt so freeing, and you were just one with the bike. It made me feel like I had nothing to be worried about and I could let go and enjoy it. My mind was blissfully blank, Jackson.” She beams at me. “It was so amazing. I want to do that every day.”

I chuckle at her cute rambling and step off the bike before taking her hand and leading her to the bench. I sit and pull her down on my lap, her back against my chest. My chin rests on her shoulder as I wrap my arms around her.

“I’m glad you liked it. Riding is my passion. Besides working on bikes, it’s riding. It’s why I am the road captain. I get to decide where we go and when. I plan routes for everyone, when we do events and large rides and any trips we might go on. But whenever I can, I like to get out and just ride. No destination in mind. Just ride for hours. It is very freeing.”

“We should do that.”

“Do what?” I ask.

“Leave. Go for a ride with no destination. Just us. A weekend. Or a week. Let’s just go.”

“Angel, after all this is over and dealt with, I promise we will do that. But I need to tell you something first.”

“What?” she asks, tensing slightly but trying to cover it up.

I tap her thigh. “Up.”

She stands and I spin her around, pulling her back down so she is straddling me. Her hands instantly go to my shoulders and up to my hair.

“Have you ever heard of an ol’ lady?” She shakes her head. “An ol’ lady is basically a wife. When a biker gets with a woman and decides that they are going to be together for forever, that she is his, he claims her. The club votes on it. Mostly just to make sure that no one has any standing issues with that person. Then you become mine and no one else can ever touch you.”

She scans my face, like she is taking in each word I just said before a squeaky, “Me?” comes out.

I chuckle. “Yes, angel. You. I claimed you the day I met you. But now? You are staying in my room, my bed, which no woman does. And you just rode on my bike. It’s something all of us stick to. With the exception of family or emergencies, no woman gets on the back of your bike unless she’s your ol’ lady.”

Her eyes light up, and she bites her lip. I move my hand from her thigh and pull her lip from her teeth. “Did you—” She clears her throat, “Did you already ask everyone?”

I nod. “I did. Not a single one of them hesitated to say yes. They all love you Presley.”

“And you?”

“Me what, angel?” She better not be asking what I think she is.

“You really love me? You want me? Now? You really want me as your ol’ lady?”

I grab her chin between my fingers and bring her face closer. “Did me fucking you until you passed out and telling you I loved you repeatedly not reassure you enough angel?”

She blushes. “I just—are you sure? This seems like a big thing.”

“Presley.” Her eyes go wide at my commanding tone. “Stop questioning me. I claimed you the day I met you. You are fucking mine. Get that through your head. You trust me in bed, and you need to trust me outside of it, too. I will not lie to you. I get that you have anxiety, and it is hard for you. I will always reassure you, but I need you to work on believing me when I reassure you.”

“Okay. I’m sorry.” Tears drip down her cheeks, and I release her chin to wipe them away.

“I think someone needs a punishment for asking if I really love her.” I raise a brow.

Her mouth drops open in shock, and her fingers stop massaging my scalp as she slightly tenses. But I see through it. The lust shining in her eyes and her thighs just barely tightening around my legs, where she still straddles me.