Rage looks surprised to see so many people moving around the kitchen helping but as they started coming in, they either left the kitchen to get out of the way or they started helping. No one just sat at the island watching.

Once everything is done, we set it up buffet style on the island and everyone fills their own plates. I follow Jackson out to the main room where the tables are. He takes a seat and pulls out the one next to him for me. The boys sit at the other end of the same table. Rage, Sugar, Blade, Nerds, and Stone all sit around us. I look around the room and see that everyone else is spread out around different tables.

The club girls—not calling them sluts—are sitting at a table by themselves. Including Carly. I frown at that but don’t comment yet. I will have to ask Jackson later when we are alone.

After we are done eating, I get up and take my plate into the kitchen, getting ready to clean up the mess, but Jackson’s hand stops me. “Leave it. The club sluts will clean up since they didn’t cook.”

“Are you sure?”

He nods. “Come on, I have plans for us.”

He takes my hand and leads me out to the main room, heading towards the front door. Cayden comes down the stairs and hands Jackson a helmet and a leather jacket. Jackson looks it over. “Thanks. Is this one Grayson’s?” He gestures to the jacket. Cayden gives a head tilt and then walks away.

I look back and watch as he walks away, lowering my brows. I don’t think I have heard him speak before. But he also doesn’t seem to use any kind of sign language.

Jackson tugs on my hand. “He chooses not to speak. Just a trauma response. If he has something he really needs to say, he texts it, but otherwise he prefers not speaking.”

He’s only a kid. Maybe sixteen. What did he go through to end up like that? My heart breaks for him.

Jackson pulls me outside and over to his bike. I look up at him curiously.

He grins. “Wanna ride, sweetheart?”

A nervous but excited thrill runs through me as I smile right back at him. “Hell yes.”

Chapter Twenty

Axe (Jackson)

Presleybouncesonhertoes as I strap the helmet on her head and hand her the leather jacket. Not the leather jacket she should be wearing. But I have to talk to my brothers in church about that.

“This is Grayson’s. He is the closest to you in size, so it should work for now until we can get you your own,” I say and wink at her. She eyes me but says nothing. She has no idea what I mean when I say getting her one of her own, but that’s okay. Makes the surprise better.

“I’ve never been on a bike before. You probably can guess that based on my life, but this is never something I would have ever done. Heck, I probably would’ve turned you down and been disgusted if you asked me to go for a ride a year ago. If not less than that,” she rambles on.

I can see her excitement shining in her eyes, but she is also nervous based on her rambling and fidgeting.

I grab her face between my hands and pull her flush against me, pressing my lips to hers. She lets out a tiny gasp before kissing me back. I swipe my tongue across the seam of her lips, and she opens beautifully for me. Our tongues intertwine as Presley’s arms come up and wrap around my neck, pushing her chest into mine as her fingers dive into my hair. Her touch brings my cock to attention, throbbing against my jeans.

Fuck, I want to take her back upstairs. Fuck this ride. I move one hand to the nape of her neck while the other explores her sexy curves.

Catcalls and whistles sound around us, and Presley pulls back slightly, her chest heaving and her cheeks flushed. Her wide eyes look up at mine before she buries her face against my chest and groans. I wrap my arms around her and hold her to me before looking over at a bunch of gossiping old ladies standing around.

“Keep standing there, fuckers and next time you try to hook up with someone, I will ruin it for you.” Like magic, they disappear within seconds, besides a cocky-looking Blade. Presley turns her head and looks over at him.

She raises her head off my chest before glancing up at me, then over to Blade, her lips pulling up. “Eyes, Blade, eyes.”

Blade cackles like a maniac and walks off, whistling while spinning his blade in his hand.

I sigh and glance down at Pres. “Ready to go?” She nods. “Alright, sit behind me. Make sure you scoot forward so you are flush against me and wrap your arms around my waist. When I lean, you lean with me. Hold on, and if you get uncomfortable or need something, tap my arm or stomach three times, and I will pull over. Alright?”

“Yes, sir,” she says cheekily.

I swing my leg over and settle myself before holding my hand out for Presley to grab. My angel swings her leg over and gets on perfectly behind me. I reach back and grab the backs of her knees, pulling her flush against me. Hearing her quick inhale brings a smile to my face. I love how much I affect her.

She wraps her arms around my waist, and I start up my bike. As I rev it, I hear her giggle behind me and squeeze me tighter.

I turn my head as much as I can. “Ready?” I yell.