So fucking strong.

I open my eyes and take a deep breath with him. He looks pleased, his eyes shining with adoration as he kisses my forehead.

We take a shower together, soft caresses throughout washing each other that light everything inside me up. Jackson gives me a grin, like he knows exactly what he is doing. After we get out, I throw on some more borrowed clothes. Luckily, Raven and I are close in size, so her jeans and t-shirt fit me well enough for now. I need to go online and order clothes since mine got destroyed. I don’t know if some of them are still good; they might be, but I just want all new. Those all feel tainted now.

It’s almost nine in the morning by the time we are done and dressed, so we head downstairs and find Ryker, Grayson, and Cayden in the kitchen.

Grayson is cooking and the other two are sitting on the bar stools around the vast island. The kitchen is huge; cabinets and appliances line all the walls with the large island in the middle. Bar stools sit on the far side of it in front of the huge double-size fridge, with a pantry on one side and an entrance we just walked through on the other side. The kitchen has a second entrance directly across from where we came in that leads out towards the main room and bar.

“Hey!” Ryker practically shouts, a huge grin on his face as he fidgets with the phone in his hand.

I smile and Jackson walks by them, giving both Ryker and Cayden a slap on the back as he opens the fridge.

Grayson turns away from the stove and looks at us. “Good morning. Glad to see you again, Presley.”

“You, too. What are you making? Do you need some help?”

His cheeks turn an adorable shade of pink, and he clears his throat. “I am still trying to teach myself, but I was working on pancakes, eggs, bacon, and hash browns, so there is some variety for everyone.”

My eyes widen at that as I walk over to stand next to him. “You’re cooking for everyone?”

He nods, and I look down at the stove. His pancakes are a little burnt, but everything else looks to be going well. I watch as he lets the pancake sit on its first side a little too long before flipping it, the bottom being burnt again. His shoulders slump slightly.

“When it’s on its first side and you see the bubbles rise, wait until they start popping, then flip it. Don’t wait for the edges to turn dark brown.”

Grayson finishes the current one and starts a new one, watching it and flipping it perfectly this time. He flashes me a coy smile. “Thanks, Pres.”

“You’re welcome! I’ll work on some more eggs. Do you guys have fruit?”

Ryker answers this time as I grab the carton of eggs on the counter and start cracking more into a bowl. “Yep. We have all sorts of fruit. Carly keeps us stocked. She claims we would never eat fruit or vegetables without her.”

I raise a brow and glance over my shoulder at him. “Is she wrong?”

“Nope.” He pops the P.

I chuckle. “Why are you guys just sitting there?” I point at Ryker, Cayden, and now Jackson, who is sitting with two cups of coffee.

“I was getting coffee for us.” Jackson shrugs.

Cayden doesn’t say anything, and Ryker sighs, “We can’t cook. Grayson is the only one who can manage not to burn things. But that also depends on the day.”

“I’m going to take a wild guess that is because Grayson is the only one trying.” I raise a brow as I walk towards Jackson’s seat at the island and grab a cup of coffee.

“I didn’t know what you liked in it.”

I stare into the coffee cup, looking at the black liquid, not expecting it to bring tears to my eyes. I missed drinking coffee while I was pregnant, but now I don’t want to.Don’t cry, Presley. Not right now.

A finger comes under my chin and pushes my face up to meet Jackson’s concerned gaze. “Angel?” he whispers.

“Sorry. I’m good.” I try to give a reassuring smile. Then I look at the three sitting still. “Well, if you guys want to eat, get up and help. This isn’t a free show, and Grayson shouldn’t have to cook for everyone. Cayden and Ryker, you guys can get fruit ready and get plates and drinks out and sweets, you can help me with the eggs and bacon.”

I’m not sure where the bossiness came from, but it brings a real grin to my face as I watch all three of them get a move on to do what I said, Jackson eyeing me before standing and sliding a hand to the nape of neck. I glance up at him.

“We will talk about that later,” he says pointedly, looking at the coffee in my hands. I nod. Before I can step away, he leans down and whispers in my ear, “By the way, every time you call me sweets, it sends all my blood straight to my cock.”

He straightens and walks over to stand by Grayson and work on the bacon. It takes me a minute to move and when I do, I realize Ryker is watching me with a shit-eating grin on his face. He winks at me when I notice and goes back to helping Cayden.

A while later, more of the guys come into the kitchen, and I meet some I hadn’t met yet. Rage and Carly walk in together, murmuring to each other. I’ll have to ask Jackson if those two are an item. They are cute together.