“Okay, I will. Can we drop this for now, though?”

Raven lays her hand on my leg. “Of course, babe. Today has been a lot.”

I nod in agreement, and we lapse into silence for a while. The quiet does not bother me. I’m thankful Raven is here. I’m also thankful she wasn’t with me that night.

“You know, my dream was to be a mom. As much as I loved school and the volunteer work I did, I always wanted to be a parent. But it took three years for me to get pregnant. There was nothing that the doctors could find wrong. I just couldn’t get pregnant. The doctor even recommended Ben getting tested to see if it’s a problem on his side, but he refused, saying he would never have that problem.”

Raven snorts. “Wow. Someone was very sure of themself.”

“I know. I think I’m slowly seeing how much crap he said and did that wasn’t okay.”

We lay on the bed and talk for a while before I start getting exhausted. Raven yawns. “I’m gonna go downstairs. I’m staying here tonight since we’re going out shopping tomorrow.”

“Okay,” I say sleepily. “I love you, Rave.”

As I fall asleep, I hear, “I love you too, Pres. More than you’ll ever know. My soul sister.”

A while later, I wake to the door opening and light shining in from the hall. I slowly turn and look over to see Jackson, but when my eyes adjust, panic sets in. He’s bloody and bruised.

“What happened?” I ask, bolting up in bed.

He grimaces as he walks in and shuts the door. “It was nothing, angel. Stone and I sparred. It got a little aggressive. I’m going to go shower. Then I’ll join you.”

He goes into the bathroom and pushes the door mostly closed. Something in my chest tightens, and after I hear the water running, I get up and strip off his shirt I put on earlier and my sweats and walk in the bathroom. The pain meds are slowly wearing off, but I don’t feel as bad as I have. I know I need to take more before I go to sleep, otherwise I’m sure I’ll be in much more pain by morning.

His bathroom is decent-sized. Double vanity, a large soaker tub, and a walk-in shower with just enough room for two.

I’d never even think to do something like this before, but I just feel like he needs me, and I don’t feel as shy as I usually would when I’m around Jackson.

I open the glass door, and he whips his head towards me. He smiles, but it doesn’t quite reach his eyes. I step in and shut the door behind me, walking up to his back and wrapping my arms around his waist.

I kiss the center of his back. “You’re not okay,” I whisper.

He turns and puts his hands on my cheeks. “Angel, I am fine. I’m just… just trying to figure out how to keep you safe.”

I shake my head. “Don’t lie to me, Jackson. You’re not fine. If you were, you wouldn’t have to spar with Stone until you’re bleeding.”

He sighs before running his hands down my sides and around to my ass. He hooks them under my thighs and lifts me. I immediately wrap my legs around his waist as he gently pushes me against the tiled wall, the water flowing over both of us.

He rests his forehead against mine. “I’ve never felt this way before. This insane primal need to protect you. To never let you go. You’re mine. I want you with me forever. But I can’t protect you with this unknown threat out there. I’ve already let you get hurt once.”

“Oh Jackson, you didn’tletme get hurt. I know without a doubt in my mind that you would’ve protected me and my little girl that night if you could’ve. It’s like I told Raven, you are allowed to feel everything you’re feeling, but please don’t hold guilt over it.”

He kisses me softly. “You are the most amazing woman, you know that? You’re going through something no one should ever have to go through, and yet you are still so loving and kind. I don’t know how you do it.”

I kiss him again and after a long shower of cleaning each other and light touches that set my nerves on fire, we crash into bed naked, cuddled together, and both fall asleep.

It’s blissful. Until it’s not.

“Ben? What are you doing up so late?” I ask, rubbing the sleep from my eyes. “I woke up to a sound and noticed you weren’t in bed.” I walk closer to where he stands in our kitchen. The island separates us, so I slowly work my way around it towards him.

He looks up at me when he hears my voice from where he was looking down at his phone. “Nothing, baby, go back to bed. It was just a work emergency. I’ll be up shortly.”

“Okay, come up soon, though?”

He nods. When I turn to leave, I notice the shattered glass by the wall in our formal dining room.

“Oh, no! What happened? Did something break?” I go to find the broom to clean it up, but Ben stops me with a hand on my arm.