I sigh, “I don’t know, brother. Things just don’t make sense, and I fucking hate having a threat out there against my woman. Especially one that we have no idea how truly dangerous he is or what his pull is.”

“I’ve been looking into Benjamin. Everything seems to check out. He’s clean. His family is wealthy and well-known; they are old money. They own the biggest law firm around here, but Ben didn’t take over the family firm. He opened up his own a few years back. The worst thing I can find is his family has gotten the local police and large gangs out of things they should’ve been busted for. But even then, they make sure to clear their tracks, so I can’t fully prove what they are doing. The thing that I can’t seem to figure out is why they would be helping gangs. They have to have some kind of deal, but what would Ben’s family be getting out of it?” Nerds questions.

“That is odd. Is there a way you can find out? Can you find out who exactly they have been helpin’? Maybe there is a link there. Can we help ya at all?” Sugar asks.

“I honestly have no idea. I’m going to keep digging and see what I can find. Axe, I tagged Ben’s bank accounts, his name, his car, his face. So hopefully when he surfaces, we know right where he is. But as of right now, he has vanished. After that day in the hospital, he was just gone.” Nerds bites out.

I feel my anger rising. “I fucking knew we should’ve gone after him that day!”

“And done what, Axe? Have a fuck ton of witnesses? Make a scene at the hospital that has lots of cameras? Not just security cameras, but anyone who might record something happening? He came to show he could, and we couldn’t do shit about it. He was mocking us and tormenting Presley.” Rage retorts, his face sent in a deep frown.

“I don’t fucking care! We could’ve done something! We should’ve tailed him!” I clench my fists in my lap.

Rage growls, “Watch who you’re talking to, Axe. I respect you and know this can’t be easy, but I am still the president. I made a call to protect everyone in this club. It was a split-second decision. I won’t regret that.”

Before I can snap at him again, Stone stands. “Come on, brother.”

I get up and follow him as we head back inside and down to the basement where the gym is.

We get ready to spar and start circling each other.

He sighs, “You’re picking at shit, wanting a fight.”

I scoff. “No, I’m fucking not.”

“Yeah, you are. You’re angry. You didn’t protect her. On the day you met her, you laid your eyes on her and claimed her. You feel like you failed her. Like you failed her and the baby. The baby you promised her you’d be there for.” Stone speaks with no emotion in his face or voice. Like he is just stating facts. It pisses me off even more.

“Shut the fuck up. I don’t want to do this with you. I want to find the bastard and take my rage out on him,” I spit.

“Should we talk about why you’re called Axe? And why what you just said is a horrible idea?” he asks with a raised brow.

“No, we fucking shouldn’t.”

He’s purposely riling me up, and I know it.

I stop circling him and move quickly to hit him in the gut, but he easily blocks it and lands a blow square in my face. I feel blood immediately pour from my nose.

He tsks. “Losing your touch, brother?”

“Stone, I swear to God, I am going to fucking kill you if you don’t shut up!”

He smirks at me. “You can fucking try. But it seems lately your emotions are taking over, and you’re losing your touch.”

I swing at him, and he ducks. We go back and forth for over an hour until we are both dripping in sweat and breathing hard. I’ll have a few new bruises, my nose is bloody, and I have a split lip. But I feel calmer now, and I know I need to keep my head on straight in order to be here for Presley.

I head upstairs and find Raven at the bar, drinking. Her eyes are red and slightly puffy, as if she’s been crying. “Raven?”

She looks at me, “Hey. Presley is laying down.”

I nod. “You good?”

She gives a small smile. “No. But I will be. I’m gonna drink all of your guys’ alcohol and pass out here.”

I give her a hug and then head upstairs.

When I open my door and go in, I remember I need to get a second key for my door made to give to Presley.

My beautiful angel is curled up in the center of the bed, wearing one of my t-shirts. I freeze in place, staring at the sight. I never thought this would be something I wanted. But now all I want is to see this every day. But only with Presley. My angel.